£100m boost for groundbreaking quantum hubs in the UK

Five new quantum research hubs backed by over £100m of government funding will deliver breakthroughs in healthcare, cybersecurity and transport.

Through the development of these innovative new quantum hubs, faster medical scanners, secure communication networks, and next-generation navigation systems are set to be advanced.

They will bring researchers and businesses together to use their scientific expertise and talent, alongside commercial know-how and resources, to develop groundbreaking quantum technologies that will directly impact people’s lives in areas like healthcare, security, and clean energy.

The role of quantum technology in healthcare innovations

The new quantum hubs will help deliver the government’s first mission to kickstart economic growth by creating new technologies in hubs that can be sold and exported to drive up GDP.

Moreover, by innovating in the science and technology industry, advancements will support the delivery of the government’s mission to rebuild Britain.

Quantum technology will help build a more efficient NHS that is fit for the future and futureproof cybersecurity to keep our streets safe.

These new hubs will be centres for advancements in areas like quantum-enhanced blood tests, faster MRI scanners, and new surgical interventions and treatments.

This could mean faster detection of diseases like cancer, allowing for earlier medical interventions and potentially saving lives.

Ultimately, these breakthroughs could translate to better patient outcomes and easing pressure on our hardworking NHS.

The hubs will protect critical national security

The quantum hubs will also explore technologies crucial for national security. This could see aircraft operating with improved positioning systems that are resistant to GPS jamming or submarines able to operate for extended periods without relying on satellites.

Additionally, research into a ‘quantum internet’ could create secure and future-proof communication networks, safeguarding sensitive data and communications infrastructure – helping protect citizens and the economy.

Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology Peter Kyle explained: “We want to see a future where cutting-edge science improves everyday lives. That is the vision behind our investment in these new quantum technology hubs, by supporting the deployment of technology that will mean faster diagnoses for diseases, critical infrastructure safe from hostile threats and cleaner energy for us all.”

Leading university research

The five new hubs will be led by leading universities across the UK and will work closely with industry partners. This collaboration ensures that research translates into real-world applications that benefit the public.

The quantum technology hubs are:

  • The UK Quantum Biomedical Sensing Research Hub (University College London and the University of Cambridge): Explores quantum sensors for ultra-sensitive disease diagnosis, including rapid blood tests and biomedical scanners to facilitate earlier diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • UK Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing, Imaging and Timing (University of Birmingham): Focuses on the development of quantum sensing for practical applications – brain scanners for dementia, cancer diagnostics, and advanced security and infrastructure monitoring.
  • Integrated Quantum Networks Quantum Technology Hub (Heriot-Watt University): Aims to deliver the technologies for a future UK-wide ‘quantum internet’, enabling future-proof cybersecurity and powerful distributed quantum computing.
  • Hub for Quantum Computing via Integrated and Interconnected Implementations (University of Oxford): Develops technologies for building quantum computers, advancing UK capabilities across hardware and software and targeting applications in a wide range of industry sectors.
  • The UK Hub for Quantum Enabled Position, Navigation and Timing (University of Glasgow): Creates quantum-based positioning and navigation systems for critical infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and improved indoor and underwater navigation.

The government’s investment in these quantum hubs signifies a commitment to developing technologies that directly improve people’s lives.

From revolutionising healthcare to bolstering national security, these hubs have the potential to shape a safer, healthier, and more secure future for all.


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