2025: The international year of quantum science and technology

This year, the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

According to the proclamation, this year-long, worldwide initiative will “be observed through activities at all levels aimed at increasing public awareness of the importance of quantum science and applications.”

The year 2025 was chosen for this International Year as it recognises 100 years since the initial development of quantum mechanics.

The community is invited to join the UN in engaging with quantum science and technology education and celebration throughout 2025.

Why 2025?

Recognising the importance of quantum science and technology and the need for wider awareness of its past and future impact, dozens of national scientific societies are gathering to support marking 100 years of quantum mechanics with a UN-declared international year.

Led by the nation of Mexico, in May 2023, the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) endorsed a resolution encouraging an official UN proclamation, followed by an endorsement of the full UNESCO General Conference in November 2023, which was co-sponsored by nearly 60 countries.

In May 2024, Ghana formally submitted a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly for the official proclamation of the International Year. Six countries co-sponsored the resolution before its approval.

On 7 June 2024, the UN General Assembly officially declared 2025 to be The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

Industry support

Several important organisations in the industry have welcomed the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

CERN, a cohesive leader in the particle physics sector, declared: “On the centenary of quantum mechanics – the bedrock of particle physics and enabler of numerous technologies –CERN is contributing to the development of a new generation of quantum technologies for fundamental research and beyond.”

Munich Quantum Valley, which develops and operates quantum computers in Germany, added: “We are looking forward to the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025.

“We hope that even more of you will join us in events and projects next year and build the quantum future with us. Let’s celebrate!”

What’s next for quantum science and technology?

Looking forward, quantum science and technology will be a key cross-cutting scientific field of the 21st century, having a tremendous impact on critical societal challenges.

This is highlighted by the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which include climate, energy, food safety and security, and clean water.

The most important step in finding new insights and solutions will be inspiring young people, drawn from all over the world, to be the next generation of quantum pioneers who see beyond the surfaces and screens around them and use quantum science to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

The year of international quantum science and technology is an opportunity for people to learn more about all the ways quantum science underpins the physical world around us, drives technological innovation, affects government policies, impacts the global economy, and influences art and culture.

In the lead-up to 2025, any individual, group, organisation, institution, or government can help aid the mission by facilitating the creation of events or resources that will help others to improve their understanding of the importance and impact of quantum science and technology. Events and resources from around the world will be featured on this site in 2025.


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