Frequency’s Digital Marketing team supports Havkraft’s ambition of creating a balanced and sustainable future.
Frequency AS works closely together with Havkraft AS to promote the world’s most important and sustainable solution, the Havkraft Wave Energy Converter, to contribute to balance and sustainability”, says Frequency’s Art Director Trygve Johan Solheim.
Frequency’s owner, Geir Arne Solheim, is also the inventor, founder, and CEO of the Norwegian technology company Havkraft AS. He has been in the wave energy business for over 23 years, and he is not just in this game to make a product. He is in it to make a difference. “The Digital Marketing Team in Frequency is therefore delighted to tell you about why their collaboration with Havkraft is so important to the pursuit of balance in the world community,” Trygve Johan Solheim said.
A sustainable future can be reached
The Frequency Digital Marketing team is optimistic and believes that mankind can change things for the better if we work together across businesses and competences.
The United Nations have managed to agree upon 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which we all should use as an inspiration to change the many imbalances in the world, Frequency’s Trygve Johan Solheim explains. The SDGs goals are divided into three major parts. Some of the goals aim to preserve the biosphere, some target societal challenges, and some focus on economic challenges. Perhaps the most important goal is the ‘partnership to reach the goals’.
“Wave power is one of the greatest energy sources on the planet, with the potential to cover more than five times our current total energy consumption. Together, we can reach the goals by scaling wave power in a balanced, environmentally friendly, inclusive and economically viable way,” says inventor Geir Arne Solheim.

A fully scalable solution
Let’s talk about scaling up because that is the key to success for a green transition. How do Havkraft scale the solution in the market?
The Frequency Digital Marketing team helps to spread the word so that the market knows about Havkraft’s unique solutions. Havkraft’s technology offers both small-scale solutions and large-scale solutions to meet any customer requirement, explains Trygve, and then passes the word to the inventor.
“It all starts with small modules. Call it a part of ‘the secret’ if you like. The small, simple, clean, and efficient converter units are smart, because their size makes them functional, affordable, and accessible for all coastal regions. Instead of excluding regions like we do in today’s fossil fuel-driven economy, we can include regions based on local wave energy sources so that no one is left behind. In our opinion, this is the way to reach the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal number seven: ‘Affordable and Clean Energy’,” says an idealistic Geir Arne Solheim.
The next phase of Havkraft’s scaling up process is to make power plants. The converters are in fact modules that can be placed in arrays to form bigger power generating systems where they work together to absorb a lot of energy from the ocean.
An example of a complete power plant is the Powerpier, built in a concrete structure. The floating Powerpier is a robust solution with multi-purpose features that makes wave energy available, economically viable, and durable, capable of generating clean energy for decades, explains Trygve Johan Solheim, head of the Frequency Digital Marketing Team.
“Another brilliant concept is the OceanONE stand-alone powerplant. The OceanONE powerplant combines an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) wave energy converter with a point absorber wave energy converter. A fully patented solution and perhaps the ultimate stand-alone wave power plant”, Geir Arne Solheim says with excitement.
If you install several powerplants in the same grid, entire cities and industrial areas can be powered by local and renewable wave energy resources.
The Frequency Digital Marketing team supports and promotes environmental technology such as Havkraft’s technology because that is a partnership towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.
“Let’s support companies like Havkraft in every way we can so that we secure a sustainable future for all. Frequency as a leading green marketing company is certainly ready to act,” says Frequency’s Digital Marketing team leader Trygve Johan Solheim.
Please note, this article will also appear in the seventh edition of our quarterly publication.