Advancing trustworthy AI with RAIDO’s revolutionary green tech

Discover how RAIDO is transforming AI development through energy-efficient and ethically-minded technologies.

The RAIDO project stands at the forefront of pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, heralding a new era of Trustworthy and Green AI. At its core, RAIDO aims to reshape AI’s landscape by integrating cutting-edge methodologies into a holistic platform that not only prioritises data efficiency and energy minimisation but also champions ethical AI practices. This integrated approach facilitates the development of AI solutions that are not only efficient but also align with stringent ethical standards, making AI more accessible and trustworthy for industries and researchers alike.

RAIDO (Grant No. 101135800) is a project that received funding from Horizon Europe’s call HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-01. The project is a Research and Innovation Action Grant of €8m that began on 1 January 2024 and will run for 36 months. The coordinator of RAIDO is the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI).

trustworthy ai

RAIDO’s framework is constructed around four robust pillars, each focusing on critical aspects of AI optimisation and sustainability. The first pillar enhances AI data processes through advanced synthetic data generation techniques and novel data curation methods, reducing the reliance on large, sensitive datasets. The second pillar introduces AI models and orchestrators that optimise computational resources, ensuring high efficiency without compromising on performance. Ethical considerations are at the heart of the third pillar, which embeds fairness and transparency directly into AI models through innovative explainable AI (XAI) techniques. The fourth pillar, which focuses on deployment, leverages AI orchestration to streamline and economise the energy consumption of AI systems across various platforms.

The RAIDO use cases:

As RAIDO progresses, it is poised to validate its groundbreaking technologies through four high-impact real-life demonstrators, each tailored to address specific challenges and opportunities within distinct sectors: Healthcare, Smart Farming, Robotics, and Energy Management. These demonstrators serve not only to validate the efficacy of the RAIDO platform but also to highlight its adaptability to diverse industrial needs, underscoring the platform’s potential to revolutionise AI applications.

Energy grid management

This demonstrator focuses on improving energy grid reliability and efficiency using AI-driven optimisation. RAIDO leverages its components to optimise AI models, making them trustworthy, reliable, and energy efficient. It can forecast energy demands and integrate renewable energy sources more effectively. This includes the deployment of Digital Twins to simulate and predict energy flow, helping to minimise waste and enhance the sustainability of energy systems.

Precision agriculture

In the domain of smart farming, the second demonstrator applies AI to enhance crop yield and resource management. Utilising multispectral imaging and AI analytics, RAIDO can detect plant diseases early and predict crop growth, enabling farmers to make informed decisions that increase productivity while reducing environmental impact. This demonstrator shows how AI can transform traditional farming into a more precise and controlled practice.

Healthcare personalisation

The third demonstrator explores the use of AI in personalised healthcare, particularly in pharmacogenetics. RAIDO’s AI models process genetic data to predict individual responses to different medications, aiming to optimise treatment plans and reduce adverse drug reactions. This application demonstrates the potential of AI to personalise healthcare at scale, offering more effective treatments tailored to individual genetic profiles.

Robotics for bio-based composites

Lastly, the robotics demonstrator employs AI to develop and optimise the manufacturing processes of plant fibre-reinforced composites. By using advanced machine learning techniques and human-in-the-loop systems, RAIDO seeks to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with producing these sustainable materials while improving their mechanical properties.

Each demonstrator tests RAIDO’s practical applications, showcasing sustainable, efficient, and ethical AI solutions across various industries, shaping a better future.

The RAIDO project firmly roots itself at the intersection of next-generation AI technology and sustainable practices, marking a significant stride toward the realisation of Green AI. The RAIDO initiative is not only enhancing Europe’s role as a leader in global AI research but is also pioneering new standards for AI development. These standards are thoughtfully designed to minimise environmental impact and are deeply entwined with the core human values of fairness and transparency. As such, RAIDO is setting a benchmark for future AI projects, proving that technological advancement can indeed go hand-in-hand with environmental consciousness and ethical responsibility.

Please note, this article will also appear in the 19th edition of our quarterly publication.

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