Agriculture News

The latest agriculture news with a specific focus on what is being done to improve food security through innovative technology and food production techniques.

Phages in agriculture: Revolutionising crop protection without harmful chemicals

Discover how phages in agriculture offer a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides by targeting harmful bacteria.

EU pest management programme set to begin experiments

IPMorama will set a multi-faceted roadmap for the year and will examine the next generation of integrated pest management in crops.

Diversifying Europe’s protein supply

EIT Food discusses how Europe’s protein supply can be diversified to meet the increasing demand for non-meat protein.

EU allocates €132m to promote sustainable agri-food products

The EU will co-fund promotion activities for sustainable and high-quality agri-food products in the internal market and worldwide.

Agro2Circular: A territorial circular solution for the upcycling of waste generated by the agrifood industry

Learn how Agro2Circular upcycles agrifood waste, developing enzymatic recycling technology for complex plastics and organic waste

Pioneering solutions to tackle food loss

The FOLOU project faces the challenge of food loss at primary production: understanding, measuring, training and adopting.

EU and Ireland set to collaborate on agri-food research

Three Horizon Europe-funded initiatives to advance agri-food research in Ireland have been unveiled. Read more here.

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