
The latest energy production news from organisations working in solar, wind, hydro and hydrogen power solutions along with developments from the battery storage sector.

First UK carbon capture projects set to boost jobs and economy in North East England

Learn how the first UK carbon capture projects will boost jobs, revitalise the North East, and drive climate action.

Energy communities should be part of the green (re)industrialisation debate

Chris Vrettos, expert and EUSEW Young Energy Ambassador, on how energy communities drive the green transition and ensure shared benefits.

The cultural complexities of phasing out coal mining in Europe

Explore the socio-cultural impact of coal mining phase-out in Europe and discover inclusive strategies to move to sustainable energy

Rechargeable salt battery could be applied to metal-air batteries for electric vehicles

Researchers have designed a new type of rechargeable salt battery that could accelerate the shift to greener electric transport.

New method for constructing solar cells could increase their productivity

An international research have developed a new method for constructing solar cells that could significantly increase their efficiency.

Identification of O2 formation: enabling O-redox technology in Li-ion batteries

Dr Robert House from the University of Oxford discusses how the identification of O2 formation and its role in voltage hysteresis will inform and direct future material design efforts towards enabling O-redox technology in the next generation of Li-ion batteries

European research project worth €2.9bn to revolutionise the entire battery value chain

The European Commission ratifies a second pan-European research and innovation project along the entire battery value chain, worth €2.9bn.

The ocean energy sector and the future of the European economy

The Innovation Platform’s Managing Editor, Michelle Gordon, spoke to Ocean Energy Europe about how the ocean energy sector is progressing and the importance of wave and tidal energy to the future of the European economy and its ability to meet carbon neutrality targets

Clean electricity from ocean waves

Jonas Kamf, CEO of Waves4Power AB, explains how the company’s patented technology generates clean electricity, free from CO2 emissions, by harvesting the energy of ocean waves.

Wave energy innovation: Waves4Power is ready to grow

Swedish firm Waves4Power aims to ‘generate a better future’ by driving innovation in the burgeoning field of wave energy. Electricity production traditionally relies on burning...

Float Europe® can help Ireland achieve its renewable energy goals

Float Europe® proposes a concept that can assist Ireland’s renewable energy sources to respond to European 2030 renewable energy goals. Float Europe® (Float Marine Technologies...

Hydropower vs wind energy – securing the world’s electricity supply

Jose Manuel Chamorro from The University of the Basque Country, Spain, speaks to Innovation News Network about the environmental impact of hydropower plants and...

Float Europe’s proposal for Ireland’s renewable energy goals

Float Europe® address Ireland’s renewable energy needs, using their innovative wind and wave harnessing technology. In the past, Float Europe proposed the Offshore Floating Ocean...

Marine technology and innovation from Float Europe

Float Europe (Float Marine Technologies Europe Limited) provides project development services including research, design, and development of marine technology products specialising in very large...

Pneumatically Stabilized Platform can help in unprotected waters

Pneumatically Stabilized Platform (PSP) is a marine technology specifically designed as a very large floating platform located in unprotected ocean waters. Float Inc. has come...

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest energy news from research organisations looking at more sustainable solutions to the increasing demand for renewable energy sources.

We also take a look at what is being done to advance energy storage technology and the capability of batteries to help manage energy reserves.



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