
The latest energy production news from organisations working in solar, wind, hydro and hydrogen power solutions along with developments from the battery storage sector.

Global tech giants sign pledge to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050

Major companies, including Amazon and Google, pledge to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050. Discover the nuclear power implications.

Canada’s General Fusion achieves first magnetised target fusion plasma

Learn how General Fusion is advancing magnetised target fusion to deliver zero-carbon fusion energy to Canada.

Up to 170,000 UK homes set to become more energy efficient

The UK government’s Warm Homes Plan will create up to 170,000 energy efficient homes, helping families lower their energy bills.

E-fuels project awarded €3.3m to develop high-temperature electrolysers

A €3.3m research project will boost the synthesis concept of e-fuels and the commercial readiness of high-temperature electrolysers.

Building batteries: Why lithium and why lithium hydroxide?

Discover how lithium hydroxide is still the biggest building block for modern battery technology and its advantages on alternative materials.

Innovating hydrogen fuel technology with MAXIMATOR

MAXIMATOR discusses its innovative hydrogen fuel technology, including its solutions for hydrogen compression, dispense, and storage. Hydrogen fuel can be produced through several methods. The...

Rechargeable salt battery could be applied to metal-air batteries for electric vehicles

Researchers have designed a new type of rechargeable salt battery that could accelerate the shift to greener electric transport.

New method for constructing solar cells could increase their productivity

An international research have developed a new method for constructing solar cells that could significantly increase their efficiency.

Identification of O2 formation: enabling O-redox technology in Li-ion batteries

Dr Robert House from the University of Oxford discusses how the identification of O2 formation and its role in voltage hysteresis will inform and direct future material design efforts towards enabling O-redox technology in the next generation of Li-ion batteries

European research project worth €2.9bn to revolutionise the entire battery value chain

The European Commission ratifies a second pan-European research and innovation project along the entire battery value chain, worth €2.9bn.

The ocean energy sector and the future of the European economy

The Innovation Platform’s Managing Editor, Michelle Gordon, spoke to Ocean Energy Europe about how the ocean energy sector is progressing and the importance of wave and tidal energy to the future of the European economy and its ability to meet carbon neutrality targets

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest energy news from research organisations looking at more sustainable solutions to the increasing demand for renewable energy sources.

We also take a look at what is being done to advance energy storage technology and the capability of batteries to help manage energy reserves.



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