Environment News

The latest environment news looking at developments in the world of agriculture and aquaculture, along with the management of plastic waste, pollution and climate modelling

New discovery in plant pest control will advance sustainable farming

Effective pest control remains one of agriculture’s most pressing challenges. Learn about challenges and solutions to combat the limitations.

Packaging waste in Europe: Can we achieve a circular economy?

Debate around packaging waste and a circular economy is gaining traction in Europe. Discover the steps being taken to address this concern.

AI reveals new insights into the flow of the Antarctic ice sheet

Using AI to understand our climate reveals some of the fundamental physics governing the large-scale movements of the Antarctic ice sheet.

Plastics in a circular economy: the European approach

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, speaks to Innovation News Network about the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy. The...

EU transmission network: smart grids for green energy

Bo Nomark of InnoEnergy speaks to Innovation News Network about the importance of updating the current EU transmission network and how making the current...

Deposit return schemes: resolving plastic waste

Pierre Condamine from Zero Waste Europe analyses European implementation of deposit return schemes, explaining how they could be used to solve the plastic waste...

Waste recycling infrastructure: how to create a circular economy

TOMRA Collection Solutions shows how a circular economy can be accomplished through adapting existing waste recycling infrastructure, viewing plastic as a valuable resource instead...

Waste to energy initiatives: the next step toward a circular economy

Santiago Soria, Waste to Energy project manager at WorleyParsons, explains how waste to energy initiatives work as a solution to plastic waste and reducing...

Making inland ports greener: what can Europe do?

Turi Fiorito, director of the European Federation of Inland Ports, speaks to Innovation News Network about the challenges of making inland ports greener. Ports and...

Sustainable aquaculture: an NGO’s point of view

Good Fish Foundation and Seas at Risk explain the environmentally responsible aquaculture model and highlight the importance of sustainable aquaculture from an NGO perspective. The...

Scottish circular economy to go mainstream

The Scottish circular economy has gone from theory to practice. With international recognition for our successes to date, it’s now time to go to...

Innovation News Network brings you the latest environment news from the world of environmental science research with a focus on agriculture, aquaculture, ecotechnology and pollution.

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