Environment News

The latest environment news looking at developments in the world of agriculture and aquaculture, along with the management of plastic waste, pollution and climate modelling

Revamped Jet Zero Taskforce set to deliver more sustainable aviation

Discover how the Jet Zero Taskforce charts a clear path towards sustainable aviation with a new structure to transform flights.

Ocean-centric investing in innovation

The Ocean Foundation discusses how investing in innovative ocean companies can maximise returns and make the world a better place.

Why bio-based chemicals and materials face a higher entry to market bar than fossil incumbents – and why they deserve the effort

BBIA highlights the potential for bio-based chemicals to reduce greenhouse gases and emphasises the UK’s opportunity to lead in this sector.

Europe’s strategy for regulating batteries and waste batteries

The Innovation Platform takes a look at EuRIC's response to the EU’s Batteries and Waste Batteries Regulation.

Innovations in aquaculture helping to transform food industry

By providing a platform for new innovations in aquaculture, the Global Aquaculture Challenge is helping to transform the food industry.

Shaping Europe’s energy storage future

Brittney Elzarei, Policy Manager at EASE, spoke to The Innovation Platform’s Lorna Malkin about the policy environment surrounding batteries in Europe and the potential of new and disruptive energy storage solutions

Mapping remote island wildlife as part of international climate action

As part of a new climate action initiative, researchers will utilise 5G, AI and data science techniques to map wild plants and ancient forests on remote Indonesian islands.

Developing technologies for fine mineral particle processing and recycling

FineFuture consortium partners provide solutions to valorise fine mineral particles from mine tailing waste.

Why American critical minerals are key to revolutionising electric vehicles

Jim Sims, the Vice-President of NioCorp discusses tackling issues in the mineral supply chain, advancing the production of electric vehicles.

Achieving renewable energy goals with innovative floating platforms

Franklin Martin presents the benefits of using large floating platforms in the drive toward renewable energy goals and reduced CO2 emissions.

Fossil fuel emissions may be skewing data from marine ecosystems

A novel tool has been developed that will enable scientists to determine how centuries of fossil fuel emissions may be distorting the data they collect from marine ecosystems.  

Pollinators key to fighting climate change and creating green cities

Research conducted as part of the URBAN GreenUP project indicates that pollinators play a significant part in enhancing city sustainability and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

World’s first concept for rechargeable cement-based batteries

Novel research at the Chalmers University of Technology outlines a new theory for developing cement-based rechargeable batteries.

Global co-operation on plant biotechnology and genetic resources

T-PIRC’s Professor Kazuo Watanabe explains how the centre is developing both the next generation plants and plant biotechnology.

Autonomous robots will change the fish farming industry

Daily net cleaning, inspection, big data, and analysis will fundamentally change fish farming. The future is closer than many might think.

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest environment news from the world of environmental science research with a focus on agriculture, aquaculture, ecotechnology and pollution.


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