Electric Vehicle News

The latest electric vehicle news looking at what is being done to enable the global growth in demand for electric cars including EV battery technology and EV charging infrastructure.

TU Graz AI system accelerates electric vehicle powertrain development

TU Graz have developed AI-powered software to accelerate electric vehicle powertrain development. Find out more.

Exploring the longevity of battery-powered electric vehicles

Battery-powered electric vehicles can now match the lifespans of traditional cars and vans with petrol and diesel engines. Read more.

RealMotion enhances self-driving cars with smarter navigation and safety

Discover how RealMotion, an advanced AI framework, is enhancing the safety and accuracy of self-driving cars.

EU has launched two new pilots to increase citizen involvement

The European Commission is to launch two new pilot actions in order to further support active involvement of EU citizens in funding protocol. The European...

Who can benefit the most from the EU-Japan trade partnerships?

2020 marks the first anniversary of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), but what sectors could stand to gain the most from the partnership? In...

Developing Brexit market access strategies

A leading scientific consulting organisation has said that we need to develop a robust compliance strategy that considers all Brexit market access scenarios. A leading...

Post-Brexit Fisheries Bill is to prioritise sustainability

According to new legislation published by the British government, all UK fish stocks will be fished at sustainable levels after Brexit. After the UK steps...

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