Electric Vehicle News

The latest electric vehicle news looking at what is being done to enable the global growth in demand for electric cars including EV battery technology and EV charging infrastructure.

TU Graz AI system accelerates electric vehicle powertrain development

TU Graz have developed AI-powered software to accelerate electric vehicle powertrain development. Find out more.

Exploring the longevity of battery-powered electric vehicles

Battery-powered electric vehicles can now match the lifespans of traditional cars and vans with petrol and diesel engines. Read more.

RealMotion enhances self-driving cars with smarter navigation and safety

Discover how RealMotion, an advanced AI framework, is enhancing the safety and accuracy of self-driving cars.

The Is it fresh approach to tackling food waste

New sensor technologies in food packaging could help to reduce global food waste, as Is it fresh explains. Did you know that one-third of the...

Darknet markets: everything changes but nothing’s different

James Mason argues that the landscape of Darknet markets and forums may be ever-changing, but in one form or another they are also ever-present. Ever...

Preventing health and safety risks in agriculture with technology

New technology in farming machinery coupling could make agriculture safer and reduce health and safety risks for farmers. Here, Innovation News Network speaks to...

Mucopolysaccharidoses – one disease with many faces

Susanne Kircher, of the Medical University of Vienna, introduces the Austrian MPS Society and outlines the many challenges posed by mucopolysaccharidoses. Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) belong to...

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