Quantum News

As International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025 fast approaches, we take a look at the latest developments in quantum science, quantum technology and quantum computing.

Quantum entanglement observed at Large Hadron Collider in historic breakthrough

Scientists have observed quantum entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the first time. Find out more.

Exploring the key concepts of quantum mechanics

Notable principles of quantum mechanics, such as wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle, challenge classical physics.

How quantum computing is set to revolutionise technology

Discover how quantum computing is poised to revolutionise industries with unparalleled problem-solving capabilities.

Scientists develop novel quantum processor

A research team from the University of Twente have developed a quantum processor working with light and photons. What makes this quantum processor ‘better’? The latest...

Scientists develop improved quantum entanglement measurements

A research team from the University of Hong Kong’s Department of Physics (HKU), has developed a novel algorithm to measure quantum entanglement entropy, bringing...

Supercomputer and quantum simulations solve materials science problem

Researchers from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have solved a previously perplexing materials science problem with a supercomputer and quantum simulations.  Comprehending...

Quantum technology utilised in project on the International Space Station

The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) will work collaboratively with several other universities to develop a laser system for the BECCAL experiment, to study...

The BMBF invest €16m into photonic quantum computing

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research's (BMBF) project ‘PhotonQ’ investigates photonic quantum computing, and has created a collaboration between seven universities, research...

Groundbreaking research grant for quantum materials

Empa researchers have been awarded a significant grant that will enable them to carry out research into quantum materials. The CarboQuant project – which will...

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