Quantum News

As International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025 fast approaches, we take a look at the latest developments in quantum science, quantum technology and quantum computing.

Quantum entanglement observed at Large Hadron Collider in historic breakthrough

Scientists have observed quantum entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the first time. Find out more.

Exploring the key concepts of quantum mechanics

Notable principles of quantum mechanics, such as wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle, challenge classical physics.

How quantum computing is set to revolutionise technology

Discover how quantum computing is poised to revolutionise industries with unparalleled problem-solving capabilities.

Q-STAR: Advocating quantum technology in the business world

Q-STAR propels quantum technology, emphasising practical applications and prioritising collaboration and societal problem-solving.

Quantum 2030: Ireland launches first national strategy for quantum technologies

As quantum technologies continue to innovate, Ireland has implemented Quantum 2030 to put itself ahead in the global playing field.

The quantum computing race will be won on scalable hardware

SemiQon believes the next era of quantum computing will be achieved through semiconductor-based quantum hardware. Read more here.

Unlocking the UK’s quantum potential: Navigating the start-up landscape

Why is it important that the UK encourages innovation in its quantum start-ups and technologies? Discover more here.

Quantum Horizons Alberta: Expanding the horizons of quantum science

Quantum Horizons Alberta is pursuing transformational research and unlocking the mysteries of quantum mechanics to revolutionise our future.

Quantum computing unveiled: Global advancements, challenges, and Ireland’s position

Discover more about the global development of quantum computing and how Ireland is leading this revolution.

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Innovation News Network brings you the latest quantum science, technology and computing news.

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