Scientists discover a schedule for Earth’s major geological events

A team of researchers has discovered that the Earth's geological activity follows a distinctive pattern, giving it a lifelike "pulse".

Optimising future aircraft with the world’s lightest aerogel material

Scientists have invented a lightweight aerogel that may advance the next generation of aircraft, reducing noise and enhancing comfort.

Investigating the mid-ocean twilight zone with underwater robot technology

The development of an underwater robot has enhanced researchers’ knowledge of the immense mid-ocean region dubbed the "twilight zone."

Understanding the Earth’s ionosphere to improve communications

Solar flares jetting out from the Sun and thunderstorms on Earth influence the planet's ionosphere, impacting long range communications.

Leptoquarks: class of new unknown particles affect Higgs boson decay

A new study shows that leptoquarks, a class of new unknown particles, could affect the transformation of the Higgs boson into muons.

New mechanical method enhances production of luminescent polymers

Scientists have developed a novel technique that employs mechanical force to transform existing generic polymers into luminescent polymers.

Analysis of neural networks explains why humans cannot fly

An investigation into neural networks has potentially provided an answer for an age-old question, why can't humans fly?

Evidence of particles oscillating between matter and antimatter

UK physicists have demonstrated that a subatomic particle can transform into an antimatter particle and back again for the first time ever.

A revolutionary technique for real-time seismic imaging

Scientists have developed a novel method for seismic imaging that achieves real-time results without the need for invasive procedures.

Gravitational waves research and understanding the Universe

EGO’s and VIRGO’s role in pushing the frontiers of science, how that is achieved, and the importance of collaboration and co-operation in the field of the experimental and theoretical gravitational waves.

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