How CLAS12 and BGOOD are exploring nucleon excitations

Professors Philip L Cole, Kyungseon Joo, and Hartmut Schmieden are exploring the properties of subatomic matter through nucleon excitations.

Searching for the answers of the neutrino mass hierarchy

The search for the neutrino mass hierarchy is one of the most active and important areas in neutrino physics.

Observing nuclear reactions in the formation of heavy elements

Professor Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo from GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung discusses the r-process and its role in the formation of heavy elements.

Detection of landslide tsunamis enhanced by simulation method

Researchers have invented a method that is capable of simulating landslide tsunamis, enhancing the understanding of the natural disaster.

Studying individual atoms in a 3D nanoparticle

Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have studied the 3D atomic structure of the atoms in a nanoparticle.

Using problem solving to redefine environmental education

Dr Thomas Shahady, Professor of Environmental Science at the University of Lynchburg, discusses transforming the education landscape.

The growing importance of subduction zone research

Professor Kevin P Furlong describes how his team are developing a more comprehensive understanding of subduction zone earthquakes.

Nordic Radar Solutions: changing the landscape of weapons scoring

ABISS – a radar system that delivers high quality, near real-time weapons scoring data to military customers for demanding environments.

The Big Data challenge at the Large Hadron Collider

The IFIC's José Salt and Santiago González de la Hoz discuss the Big Data challenge at the LHC and how deep learning is being used in LHC experiments to extract knowledge.

Advancing particle accelerator technology: power and precision

Professor Tor Raubenheimer outlines how particle accelerator technology has evolved and looks at what the future might hold.

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