New research solves gravitational phenomenon of the ocean

An investigation has devised a new theory that looks to solve an oceanic gravitational phenomenon that has long evaded scientists.

3D printed proton-conductive membrane paves way for energy storage devices

Researchers at Tohoku University have 3D printed the first proton exchange membrane, a core component of batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and fuel cells.

Understanding the complexity of creeping landslides initiation and beyond

Dr Andre Baldermann, Senior Scientist at TU Graz, explains how creeping landslides are initiated and presents a customised engineered solution to help prevent them.

How the University of Kansas is paving the way in revealing radiation

Revealing radiation with unprecedented precision and the secrets of matter from the scale of the Universe to quarks.

The theory of evolution: establishing positive learning environments

Evolution expert Professor Lawrence C Scharmann believes pedagogical practices can ensure the development of positive learning environments.

Muon g-2 experiment provides evidence of new physics

Fermilab has published the first data from their muon g-2 experiment, revealing new evidence that physics beyond the standard model exists.

The Clover Array for Nuclear Structure Studies at HIγS

A new research programme in low-energy nuclear structure is currently under development at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory.

Cornish species of red algae is genetically unique

Scientists have discovered that the red algae that grows in Cornwall's Fal Estuary, named Phymatolithon calcareum, is genetically unique.

Clues to an Archean eon water world in the Earth’s mantle

A new study has found that Earth may have been engulfed by a gargantuan global ocean during the Archean Eon.

Cooling down antihydrogen atoms using laser light for the first time

In a world first, the ALPHA collaboration at CERN has successfully cooled down antihydrogen atoms – the simplest form of atomic antimatter – using laser light.

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