The Electron-Ion Collider: A precision tool for studying the ‘glue’ that binds visible matter

Professor Abhay Deshpande, of Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Dr Zein-Eddine Meziani, of Argonne National Laboratory, outline the potential of the planned Electron-Ion Collider and the many questions about the Universe that it hopes to answer. The...

J-PARC experiment E45: Studying the inner structure of protons

Professor Philip L Cole, of Lamar University, discusses the approved experiment E45 at J-PARC that will make use of high-intensity pion beams to study the inner structure of protons in the second and third resonance regions. Professor Philip L Cole...

CERN data reveals how COVID-19 infection spreads in indoor settings

CERN’s CARA tool has uncovered valuable data on how viral infection such as COVID-19 is able to spread in indoor settings. CERN experts have produced a peer-reviewed paper detailing accurate modelling of viral infection rates in indoor settings. CERN is famous...

Understanding the mystery of nuclear matter

Timothy Hallman, Associate Director of Science for Nuclear Physics at the US Department of Energy, outlines the key objectives of the Office of Science as it strives to gain answers to complex questions surrounding nuclear matter. The US Department of...

Advancing graphene-based healthcare technologies for a safer world

Discover how Zentek Ltd’s offering of graphene-based healthcare solutions hold transformative possibilities within healthcare and beyond. Nanotechnology refers to science, engineering, and technology conducted on a nanoscale of about 1 to 100 nanometres. From medicine to energy, the scope for...

ELI-NP: Revealing the intimate structure of matter with extreme light

ELI-NP implements a unique research infrastructure dedicated to Nuclear Photonics, hosting the most powerful lasers in the world. Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) is a new research infrastructure currently under implementation in Romania by the National Institute for...

Scientists bridge the gap between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials

A research team from the University of Warwick has discovered the presence of a special ferroelectric texture that mirrors the spin crystal phase in ferromagnets. What is the difference between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic? Ferromagnetic materials have a permanent magnetic field, while...

Utilising graphene to transform nanomedicine and health technology

Exploring the evolution of graphene from a lab-based discovery to a clinically useful tool to transform nanomedicine and health technology. Professor Kostas Kostarelos, Chair of Nanomedicine at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health of the University of Manchester and...

Protons sizes are even smaller than once thought

Research conducted by scientists at the University of Bonn highlights that protons sizes are 5% smaller than was once assumed in the 1990’s. A few years ago, a novel measurement technique revealed that protons are possibly smaller than had been...

Matter-antimatter comparisons reach new heights in groundbreaking study

CERN’s BASE collaboration has made significant steps in matter-antimatter comparisons, making the world’s most precise comparison of protons and antiprotons. In a paper published in the journal Nature, the BASE collaboration reveals how it achieved groundbreaking success in its matter-antimatter...

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