David Wilson, Director of Development at MGH Offshore, outlines the challenges facing the energy sector and highlights how the company is working to overcome them.
The ESEI-BioMed project advances tumour diagnostics and nanomedicine in the frame of the new translational research centre, TRANSCEND.
TRANSCEND is a translational research centre in the early stage of development at the Regional Institute of Oncology, Romania. The centre is...
The IceCube Observatory could unlock the mysteries of the Universe through its advanced neutrino discoveries.
Neutrinos are tiny, nearly massless particles that rarely interact with their surroundings, passing through us unnoticed. These ‘ghost-like’ particles hold the key to unlocking the...
Theoretical particle physicists are providing exact predictions to compare LHC measurements to reveal the strengths and shortcomings of the Standard Model.
Discoveries behind the decimal point
A quantum theory called the Standard Model describes the world of known elementary particles and...
Consortium Nano4Tarmed is developing 2D nanoplatforms for active drug delivery and diagnosis of osteosarcoma.
Population growth is shrinking, mainly due to the overall fertility rate that dropped from 1.59 in 2016 to 1.53 in 2019 in the European Union.1 An...
Researchers at the Universities of Wisconsin and California are integrating physics and Machine Learning to predict materials degradation in nuclear reactors.
The reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is an essential component of the modern light-water reactor (LWR). The RPV encloses the reactor core,...
Dr Myriam Bourgeois, NUCOBAM Coordinator at Université Paris-Saclay CEA, explains how the European project aims for future AM Standard in the nuclear energy industry.
The main aim of NUclear COmponent Based on Additive Manufacturing (NUCOBAM) is to develop the qualification...
Ionic Rare Earths are expediting the global transition to clean energy through magnet and heavy rare earth production via mining, refining and magnet recycling.
Australian-listed company, Ionic Rare Earths Limited (ASX:IXR), is setting itself apart from the growing list of rare earth...
Hiden Analytical details its production of several manufacturing systems and tools that are required to study surface analysis.
Surface analysis is an increasingly important aspect of manufacturing. The surface is where chemical reactions happen, catalysis and corrosion take place, adhesives...
EIRES researchers have developed a way to utilise heat storage in a safe, sustainable, and loss-free way.
Efficient storage and transport of heat is one of the major challenges in the energy transition. EIRES researchers have developed a way to...