Developing effective strategies for minimising household food waste

Researchers have studied the intricacies of household food waste in Japan, paving the way for effective strategies for mitigating it.

According to estimates reported by governmental institutions, in Japan, an astonishing 2.47 megatons of household food waste was generated in 2021, much of which was likely still edible.

The problem, however, is that not much is known about what types of food contribute the most to food waste, their associated greenhouse gas emissions, and whether specific sectors of the population are more prone to wasting food.

Now, a research team led by Associate Professor Yosuke Shigetomi from the College of Science and Engineering at Ritsumeikan University in Japan has set out to tackle this knowledge gap.

Which factors affect household food waste?

Through a detailed analysis of food waste in Japanese households incorporating demographics and dietary trends, they established important links between the amount and type of food waste, their associated emissions, and age.

The researchers gathered food consumption and waste statistics from previously released surveys to conduct their analysis.

This information enabled the team to determine the ratios between edible and inedible parts of over 2,000 food products and the physical amount of household food waste for various food categories.

By combining these data with food-related socioeconomic statistics, they explored how age and other factors affect the amount and type of about 200 foods wasted.

One of the most notable findings was that household food waste per person appears to increase significantly with the age of the household’s head. The difference was quite stunning, as elderly households potentially produced nearly twice as much food waste compared to households in which the head was in their 30s.

Vegetables were also the most often wasted food type. Similarly, greenhouse gas emissions associated with food waste increased with the household head’s age.

However, vegetables, ready meals, and fish and seafood were the biggest contributors in this case.

Developing targeted interventions and policies

The results highlight how age might be directly linked to food waste and associated greenhouse gas emissions.

“An ageing population would be one of the hidden but key factors for consideration when proposing strategies to reduce food waste directly generated by households,” Dr Shigetomi explained.

Moreover, identifying vegetables and meats as either major or minor sources of food waste but both major sources of greenhouse gases also emphasises the importance of understanding which food categories contribute most to these issues, which in turn allows for developing more targeted interventions and policies.

Dr Shigetomi concluded: “It will be essential to pay closer attention to the dietary preferences and lifestyles among different generations, particularly under the desire of dietary shifts towards vegetarianism for combating climate change.”

This study’s findings will help develop effective strategies for reducing food waste and raising awareness of the environmental threat it poses.

Educational campaigns could help people be more mindful of the food they consume, how they cook and store it, and how much of it is thrown away.


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