Home Canada and Horizon Europe VOL. 3

Canada and Horizon Europe VOL. 3

Welcome to the third volume of our Canada and Horizon Europe special focus publications, which explores the exciting new chapter in this international research collaboration.

In July 2024, Canada officially joined Horizon Europe, the European Union’s €95.5bn research and innovation funding programme.

This partnership not only strengthens Canada’s ability to address global challenges but also positions the country as a leader in scientific innovation and technological advancement.

This publication offers a deep dive into how Canada’s involvement in Horizon Europe will accelerate global research in areas such as quantum technology, healthcare, Arctic research, AI, and more.

Through a series of insightful articles, we highlight the key institutions, researchers, and projects driving this collaboration forward.

Here’s what to expect in this Canada and Horizon Europe special focus publication:

Strengthening international relationships and accelerating research

Our first article provides an exploration of the historic agreement between Canada and Horizon Europe, emphasising how this partnership enhances Canada’s role in global research and innovation. The article outlines the collaborative opportunities that lie ahead for both regions.

Université de Sherbrooke’s quantum leap

Professor Maia Vergniory’s outlines groundbreaking research in topological quantum materials. This article sheds light on how the Université de Sherbrooke is leading the way in developing new quantum technologies.

The Jewish General Hospital’s innovation in patient care

This article explores the hospital’s efforts to transform healthcare with a user-centric, technology-driven approach. By embracing digital transformation, the hospital is improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency.

The Arctic Institute of North America: Researching Arctic challenges

Learn how the Arctic Institute is at the forefront of multidisciplinary research to better understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change on Arctic environments while also preserving cultural and ecological heritage.

ArcticNet: Advancing Arctic knowledge and solutions

This piece explores ArcticNet’s mission to address the unique challenges facing the Arctic. Through scientific research and partnerships, ArcticNet is providing valuable insights into the changing Arctic landscape.

CanPath: Facilitating health research for a healthier Canada

An overview of CanPath, Canada’s largest population health cohort, and its role in providing critical data to advance health research, with a focus on environmental, genomic, and Indigenous health.

UBC Innovation Hub: Bridging academia and communities

Highlighting the University of British Columbia’s Social Innovation Hub, this article discusses how the institution is fostering innovation through partnerships that bridge academia and local communities, addressing key societal challenges like health, food security, and climate change.

Strengthening Canadian research and innovation on the world stage

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, shares his insights on how Canada’s association with Horizon Europe will drive research, economic growth, and global cooperation.

Lakehead University: Enhancing global research impact

Lakehead University is taking full advantage of Canada’s membership in Horizon Europe. This article highlights how the university is poised to expand its global reach and tackle pressing issues such as sustainable development and the bioeconomy.

CRIM: Ensuring safe and responsible AI development

As AI continues to evolve, CRIM is working to ensure that its application remains safe and beneficial. This article covers CRIM’s efforts to reduce AI risks while driving innovation in Canada’s tech sector.

NSCAD University: Innovation with a community focus

NSCAD University is blending creativity with research to develop innovative solutions that benefit local communities. The article details how NSCAD’s programmes contribute to social impact through art, technology, and science.

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics: Canada’s role in the quantum revolution

A spotlight on Mark Healy and the Perimeter Institute’s pioneering research in quantum theory, which is helping position Canada as a global leader in the field of quantum computing and technology.

University of Ottawa: Environment, society, and policy group

Science Director Dr Jackie Dawson discusses the research conducted by the University of Ottawa’s Environment, Society, and Policy Group, focusing on how they are addressing critical issues related to environmental policy and sustainable development.

CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal: Transforming healthcare through innovation

CIUSSS is leading healthcare transformation in Quebec through research and advanced technology. The article outlines how their innovative approaches are reshaping patient care and service delivery.

College of the North Atlantic: Advancing sustainability through education

The College of the North Atlantic is integrating sustainability into its academic environment, with initiatives that focus on green technologies and cutting-edge research aimed at addressing environmental challenges.

University of Saskatchewan: World-class research facilities and expertise

This article explores the University of Saskatchewan’s state-of-the-art research facilities and how they are contributing to groundbreaking work in fields such as agriculture, environmental science, and biotechnology.

Each article highlights the collaborative efforts that are driving Canada’s innovation agenda forward while also showcasing the country’s growing role in global research through Horizon Europe.

As you explore these profiles and features, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how Canadian institutions are leveraging this partnership to tackle critical global challenges, from climate change to healthcare and beyond.

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