EFP launches Digital Innovation Award 2024 to advance periodontology

The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) is inviting creative minds to enhance gum health and periodontal practices through the EFP Digital Innovation Award.

The EFP Digital Innovation Award, in partnership with Haleon, is an annual competition that encourages the creation of digital tools to benefit the public, oral health professionals, and periodontal researchers.

The award is open to members of EFP’s national scientific societies, excluding past winners and those linked to previously awarded projects.

Innovators must submit their entries by 10 June for a chance to contribute to advancements in periodontology.

Previous winners of the Digital Innovation Award

In 2023, Claire Bigot from Paris won the first prize for her project, My Perio Care. This digital solution comprises a web application for dentists and a mobile app for patients designed to improve periodontal care.

My Perio Care will debut with French dentists in the fall and is slated for broader implementation at the EuroPerio11 conference in Vienna next year.

Two years ago, Lodewijk Gründemann and Melle Vroom were recognised for the Dental Coach App.

This innovative app supports dental lifestyle coaching by facilitating personalised communication between healthcare providers and patients, thereby promoting healthy oral care habits.

The award significantly heightened interest in their initiative and e-health solutions in dentistry.

How to apply

The EFP encourages submissions that go beyond mere concepts by including detailed business plans.

Innovators should outline their project’s path from conception to market, covering aspects such as production costs, market strategies, and pricing models.

This thorough approach ensures that the proposed solutions are not only innovative but also practical and market-ready.

Andreas Stavropoulos, chair of the EFP’s scientific affairs committee, commented: “This award serves as a platform for innovators in periodontology to showcase their digitally-based solutions.

“We are excited that our partnership with Haleon enables us to continue supporting cutting-edge advancements that shape the future of oral health.

“The EFP invites all innovators working on digital solutions related to gum health and who are members of EFP national societies to seize this opportunity.

“Whether you’re a student, a seasoned researcher, or a dental professional with a passion for digital technology and gum health, this is your platform to showcase your idea.”

Please visit here to find out more and apply: https://www.efp.org/about-the-efp/prizes-awards/digital-innovation-award/

Transforming the future of periodontology

The EFP Digital Innovation Award remains a crucial catalyst for technological advancements in periodontal care.

By fostering new ideas and supporting the development of digital solutions, the EFP aims to improve oral health outcomes and integrate cutting-edge technology into periodontal practices.

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