Electric energy storage solutions for a sustainable future

Ozop Energy Solutions Inc, a US based public company (OTC: OZSC) provides electrical energy storage solutions for a greener and smarter future: from energy storage for electric vehicles, to developing technologies for energy generation.

OZOP’s electric energy storage solutions have a wide variety of applications in the defence, heavy industrial, aircraft ground support, maritime and other sectors.

The OZOP strategy centres on gaining a significant portion of the rapidly growing renewable energy market as a provider of assets and infrastructure needed for electric energy storage.

What issues are power generation and distribution systems currently facing?

On the utility side, the decommissioning of power plants and the extreme cost of building new green and clean plants makes for a difficult situation. Smokestack scrubbers – air pollution control devices – are extraordinarily expensive so the choice to add them were, well-scrubbed, no pun intended.

Nuclear is a difficult answer due to the containment technologies which is basically concrete and the 20–30-year approval process has deemed them non-starters for populated areas and beyond, of course. As for the distribution, the vast majority of the electrical infrastructure is incapable of handling the coming demand load from the electric vehicle (EV) evolution.

The power lines would need in excess of two to three times their current capacities to meet the needs both to homes and business. However, not enough production and power lines are aged out or undersized to carry the demand.

What strategies and technologies is OZOP developing to combat the challenges of energy generation and storage?

We have already identified a partial solution that is in the final engineering stages and does not require utility connections. It is quite modular and is cost effective in most urban and suburban areas. Our transfer methods allow energy to be free of the grid, or they can participate but will not be relied on to function. The importance is not “off” the grid as some dream of doing, but rather to be free of the massive control and uncertainty in the delivery of that utility electricity.

To support the grid expansion the consumer must understand the magnitude and the cost associated with that improvement. Once we all understand what that number is – likely hundreds of billions, – we must understand also that those rates are going to also double, or worse. This is the reality of using electricity drawn from a 100-year-old undersized system.

How are energy storage options holding back electric vehicle capacity and what solutions does OZOP have to this challenge?

Starting from the mines of the Congo, the current largest Lithium (Li) producer, we will outstrip their mining capacity which is causing a slowed down or shortage of Li. However, new mines are opening, and old ones are being restarted. From another angle, storage is an issue in urban areas because of fire department regulations due to the safety factor in such a dense environment. Without sufficient storage, it would be very difficult to execute a comprehensive EV charger deployment, however, we at OZOP have solutions.

Other storage methods, like non-grid-tied storage or distributed energy generation., have their own drawbacks such as being heavier in weight, which is already extreme, and can be less dense, meaning holding less energy.

How will Neo-grids help with the current energy demand?

The energy produced through the Neo Grid will be used directly for the EV world or emergency situations of course. The electrical infrastructure will be overwhelmed by vehicles of every size, so if we reduce the strain, or eliminate it from the grid altogether, mission accomplished. It is a huge undertaking, but it is modular by design, and even if we get a quarter or a tenth of the load reduced, it would have a noticeable impact.

Homes with solar power reduce the strain on the grid in their neighbourhood. When adding storage of almost any size, one starts to play the arbitrage game. This means buying energy at low evening costs and storing it for future use with little or no risk. By storing evening energy and consuming it during peak times, it is possible to reduce the grid-strain. Keep repeating that, along with transferring stored energy and there will be huge inroads made. The Neo-Grid is a new way to get energised and to energise others.

In what ways are OZOP’s energy solutions – such as the microgrids – key to reduced costs and sustainability?

The electricity supplied to homes is not the same product as electricity supplied for cars. They are both electrons, however the electrons known today were produced and delivered to power toasters and lights, not cars and trucks that demand 250kW’s of energy in 10 minutes. It is like comparing a fire hose at a fire with a bathroom faucet: they are both water but are two different products.

Gas and electricity cost parity rules must then be applied to the equation. Gas costs $3.50 per gallon roughly at the pump and the average car gets 21mpg. To travel 21 miles, an electric car needs about 6kWhs and that runs 0.75 at home. Going back to the previous analogy, the problem is trying to use a faucet instead of a firehose, so it should cost 0.60-0.80 cents per kWh to be on parity. Why? It would collapse the residential electrical system if all cars started charging in their driveways.

Green energy storage for electric vehicles

The dark side of the EV clean energy revolution sweeping the world by storm, is that the legacy systems of an electric distribution system developed some 100 years ago no longer meets the needs of an electric hungry 21st century; with the advent of EVs, data farms, crypto mining, robotics, and more. This is a reality plaguing both sides of the pond and the world at large.

Both the power generation, and distribution of that power, need to be intelligently integrated, while both the power and distribution strategy is replaced or takes a dramatically different form over the coming decades. While we secure the clean energy cure and make it ubiquitous, we need to serve the needs of a 21st century world in the interim.

Of course, speeding through permitting for clean power plants including wind and solar energy are all part of the energy mix for both this and the next century. However, much of the energy that we hope to replace from fossil fuels is ethereal and fleeting almost immediately upon generation, thus cannot be relied upon. One only needs to turn to California as an example, who is currently struggling through that paradox, resulting in massive disruption and blackouts, expected to only get worse in the coming years, culminating in profound economic dislocation and financial loss, including prospects for unemployment increasing as industry and even business services flee the State. Electric is the new coal that powers 21st century business, and without it, nothing happens.

Thus, enter the need for electric energy storage, which is currently in the form of batteries. This energy is derived largely from non-fossil sources, which provides power continuity and enables users to secure electricity on demand, not only when the wind is blowing, or the sun is shining.

Intelligent integration of new forms of energy to the existing Grid and power draw algos aided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help foster in a new age to truly “make hay while the sun shines”. This entails supplementing and growing Grid capacity during peak use and storage at off peak. Further, costs and efficiencies are better managed to draw power intelligently, balancing the cost of the power with the need in milliseconds.

To further enhance the power delivery strategy, distributed energy solutions will be deployed which will feed the Grid from home and business self-generation, supplementing the large green energy dedicated power generation facilities.

Smart energy solutions, smart positioning

OZOP intends to position itself in the forefront of this tidal wave of change and opportunity. Over the coming months, we expect to analyse and secure the optimal solutions to balance operating inside and outside of the current scope of utility control and advancing new technologies for energy generation and storage.

OZOP understands, however, in the real world, that none of this happens without the individual components that make up these smart systems – akin to the multitude of elements that make up the iPhone, and accordingly is positioning itself as a dedicated supplier of these mission critical solar and storage components. OZOP is also advancing new technologies including a new medium: Neo Grids.

Over time OZOP will be focused on integrating these smart solutions to support a critical societal need which is only growing and getting more critical by the day.

Looking into the future with electric energy storage solutions

The next step for OZOP is electric energy storage at large scale designs, so by generating energy at night, at low-load times which can be stored, it can then be released during the peak load hours.

Another solution is to avoid the utility grids as a community or self-generation like for roof top installations to ensure a self-regulating power supply. This will help to avoid blackouts, brownouts, but equally as important, avoid rate hikes. In the coming months OZOP will be operating in and outside the scope of utility control by a new distribution pattern to energy supply. OZOP recognises that massive advancements are needed for full support of the EV wave heading our way, so we have positioned ourselves to be the suppliers of storage and solar components but also energy distribution. Energy does not need to be “swapped” on the utilities for long as energy will be bought, sold, and transferred on a new medium, the Neo-Grids.

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