EU and Serbia sign sustainable raw materials partnership

The European Commission has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on sustainable raw materials, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs).

The agreement aims to develop new local industries across raw materials, battery, and EV value chains while ensuring high environmental and social standards.

The Partnership fosters multi-level engagement between the EU, Serbia, and various stakeholders, including industrial and financial entities.

At the High-Level Summit on critical raw materials in Belgrade, EU Executive Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and Serbia’s Mining and Energy Minister Dubravka Đedovič Handanović signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

This Partnership, based on the 2013 Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the EU’s New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, aims to integrate Serbia into the EU’s single market and boost its economic, social, and environmental alignment with the EU.

Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President for European Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, commented: “The MoU between the EU and Serbia on sustainable raw materials, battery value chains, and electric vehicles is a testament to our shared commitment to driving forward the green transition.

“Through strategic collaboration in these key sectors, we unlock immense potential for sustainable growth and innovation while also enhancing Serbia’s integration with the EU’s single market and further boosting its economic, social and environmental convergence with the EU.”

The agreement will support five key areas:

Development of raw materials, battery, and EV of value chains

The MoU aims to enhance the development of value chains for sustainable raw materials, batteries, and EVs by fostering cooperation between EU and Serbian industrial actors.

This will promote a pipeline of mutually beneficial projects, particularly focusing on the EV industrial ecosystem.

Research and innovation (R&I)

The agreement facilitates cooperation on research and innovation by mapping existing collaboration areas under the EU Horizon Europe R&I framework and other schemes.

Both parties will share knowledge and technologies related to the sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, and recycling of secondary raw materials.

Environmental, social, and governance standards

The MoU promotes the application of high environmental, social, and governance standards through mutual consultation and information exchange on relevant policies and initiatives. This includes increased due diligence and traceability for the battery value chain.

Financial and investment support

The Partnership will mobilise financial and investment instruments to support projects, particularly through Invest EU, the Western Balkans Investment Framework, and a Single Project Pipeline in Serbia.

Additional support will come from the European Raw Materials Alliance and European Battery Alliance.

Skills development

To develop the necessary skills for high-quality jobs in the raw materials and battery sectors, the MoU encourages the participation of Serbian organisations in European Battery and upcoming Raw Materials Academies, including possible contributions from Serbia through dedicated programmes and internships.

Following the MoU signing, the EU and Serbia will develop a roadmap with concrete actions within six months to implement the Strategic Partnership.

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