First Hydrogen to host its first ever track event

The track event will allow UK fleet managers to experience the company’s hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Taking place at the end of October, the track event hosted by First Hydrogen is set to welcome members from around 20 UK fleet operators that collectively own and manage more than a quarter of a million fleet vehicles.

All attendees will have the exclusive opportunity to test drive the company’s hydrogen fuel cell light commercial vehicles on the track at HORIBA MIRA, UK.

The day will also include technical presentations and a vehicle walkaround to demonstrate the under-the-hood technology – creating an insight into the practicalities of introducing the hydrogen fuel cell vehicles into their own zero emission fleets.

Demonstrating the advantages of First Hydrogen’s vehicles

The vehicles have already participated in road trials with fleet management company Rivus, and energy company SSE. Now, they are undergoing operations with major parcel delivery companies.

Currently, more than 15 major fleet operators are on the waiting list to trial First Hydrogen’s hydrogen fuel cell powered light commercial vehicles.

The track event will allow the company to exhibit the capabilities of the vehicles to multiple organisations. These advantages include their impressive range of more than 630km on a single refuelling, ease of driving, and the ability to carry large payloads without compromising on the range in any weather conditions.

Steve Gill, CEO for First Hydrogen Automotive, said: “We have been bowled over by the interest we’ve received from fleet operators in trialling our vehicles, with more than 15 companies on the waiting list. The race is on for fleets to meet emissions targets and this event gives these fleet managers the opportunity to get behind the wheel and understand the range, use cases and benefits of FCEVs compared to other alternative fuel vehicles.

“Our aim is for attending fleet managers and operational specialists to leave with a clearer view on the capabilities of First Hydrogen our hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which will inform decision making on the purchase of zero emissions fleets.

“If we see sustained interest from prospective customers, there is potential for us to use this format as a template for a series of similar track events in the future, with the ambition for us to take the vehicles into Europe and North America.”

The track event targets UK LCV fleet operators

The fleet operators targeted by the invitation-only track event include members of the UK Aggregated Hydrogen Freight Consortium (AHFC).

Led by Element Energy with input from global industrial members of UK H2Mobility, the AHFC is a partnership of leading UK hydrogen industry and mobility companies.

The AHFC works with large fleet operators and the government to accelerate the commercialisation of FCEV’s and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.

Allied Market Research revealed that the global light commercial vehicle market is forecast to reach $786.5bn by 2030. First Hydrogen’s vehicles will help the sector meet its net zero targets.

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