NASA brings space leaders to London to shape future of microgravity research

Leading space experts from around the world gathered at the Royal Institution to discuss the future of microgravity research and prepare for the next generation of human presence in low-Earth orbit.

NASA and the UK Space Agency co-hosted the workshop on microgravity research, which builds on the success of two previous events held in 2022 and 2023.

It brings together international partners to refine draft goals and objectives that will set the space community’s strategic directions for scientific, exploration, and commercial goals in low-Earth Orbit (LEO).

The importance of microgravity research in space

A key focus of the workshop is the discussion of future low-Earth orbit infrastructure.

As new commercial space stations come online, there is an increased focus on preserving and expanding research capabilities and developing critical technologies for future deep space exploration.

The UK Space Agency is actively exploring how best to maximise the research, development and manufacturing opportunities this presents and how to work constructively with international partners to support the transition.

More broadly, microgravity research is vital not only for space exploration but also for delivering benefits to Earth.

It allows scientists to study biological, physical and chemical processes without the influence of Earth’s gravity, which has led to advancements in fields such as medicine, material science and fluid dynamics.

Advancing essential medical technologies

One important factor that comes from microgravity research is drug development.

Here, protein crystal growth experiments conducted on the ISS have improved the treatment of numerous diseases, including cancer and gum disease.

Promising results have come from the study of a protein associated with the chronic genetic disorder Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Based on research from the ISS, treatment for DMD is now in clinical trials.

The study of fluid dynamics in microgravity also helps advance essential medical technologies such as life support systems.

In recent years, a number of UK science experiments have been launched at the ISS. These include the MicroAge experiment with the University of Liverpool, which investigated how muscle fibres change in space and provided insights into the ageing process.

Dr Paul Bate, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, said: “We will continue to work closely with NASA, ESA and other space agencies to ensure that microgravity research continues.

“As we navigate a rapidly evolving global landscape, the ability to contribute to cutting-edge research and innovation is crucial for driving economic growth and spreading prosperity across the country.”

He concluded: “After almost 24 years of continuous operation, the ISS is nearing the end of its life, and we will see a range of new commercial space stations established in Low Earth Orbit.

“It is vitally important that we maintain the ability to safely conduct science and research in space that benefits people on Earth.”

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