National Clean Air Day 2024: Towards a pollution-free future

Today, the UK marks National Clean Air Day 2024, a day dedicated to highlighting the impact of air pollution on our health and the environment.

National Clean Air Day aims to inspire individuals, communities, and organisations to take action to reduce air pollution and improve air quality.

It serves as a reminder that clean air is essential for our well-being and encourages individuals and communities to take steps towards reducing air pollution.

How air pollution affects human health

National Clean Air Day was established in the UK by the environmental charity Global Action Plan. The inaugural event took place in 2017, and since then, it has grown into a nationally recognised campaign.

The day serves as a platform to highlight the impacts of air pollution, raise awareness, and drive action towards cleaner air and a healthier environment.

National Clean Air Day has gained significance as concerns about air pollution and its detrimental effects on human health and the planet continue to escalate.

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. The World Health Organization and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today.

Reducing air pollution can help tackle the climate crisis

Climate change and air pollution are both issues associated with the burning of fossil fuels.

This means that reducing sources, such as carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, will not only improve air quality but may also help tackle climate change.

Reducing fossil fuel burning, therefore, has the dual benefit of directly reducing both air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

However, these benefits will only be seen if the technologies replacing the burning of fossil fuels, emit less pollution and carbon.

A good example is wind or solar power for electricity production, which doesn’t produce harmful emissions.

Get involved in National Clean Air Day 2024

Here are some impactful ways to get involved in National Clean Air Day this year:

  • Reduce vehicle emissions: Use alternative modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, or public transportation, whenever possible.
  • Support clean energy: Use energy-efficient appliances, promote renewable energy options, and explore opportunities to reduce energy consumption in your home or workplace.
  • Plant trees and use green spaces: Participate in tree-planting initiatives or support organisations that focus on creating and maintaining green spaces in urban areas.
  • Engage with local authorities: Support initiatives to reduce industrial emissions, implement effective waste management systems, and promote sustainable urban planning.


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