James Webb Space Telescope images

Capturing a Universal understanding from James Webb Space Telescope Images

Dr Massimo Robberto, an AURA Observatory Scientist from the Space Telescope Science Institute, details the galactic journey to capture the first breathtaking James Webb...
Life on Other Planets

Iron and the possibility of life on other planets

New insights on iron from the University of Oxford could narrow down the search for life on other planets. The Innovation Platform spoke to...
clean energy

Global energy and climate leaders: Strengthening clean energy technology

The International Energy Agency is co-hosting a meeting this week – 12 to 13 July 2022 – at the Sydney Energy Forum, to discuss...

Galvanic’s Smackover prospect: Unearthing lithium resources

An independent evaluation of Galvanic Energy’s Smackover prospect reveals an estimation of approximately 4 million tons lithium carbonate equivalent, and testing demonstrates up to...
renewable hydrogen plant

Shell set to build Europe’s largest renewable hydrogen plant

Shell is preparing to start the construction of Holland Hydrogen I, which is set to be the largest renewable hydrogen plant in Europe. Shell Nederland...
Mitigating water-related natural disasters with new technology

Mitigating water-related natural disasters with new technology

Dr Hamid Mehmood, Senior Researcher at the UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health, spoke to Innovation News Network about the development of a...
solar power

The World of Solar: Optimising the availability of solar power

Gerard Scheper, CEO of European Solar, discusses the development of his consultancy offshoot, The World of Solar, optimising the availability of solar power, and...

SAFELiMOVE, safer solid-state batteries for electric vehicles

The SAFELiMOVE battery project is leading the way to develop safer solid-state batteries for electric vehicles. Led by CIC energiGUNE, here they explain their...

Climate change: A threat to Africa’s biodiversity

A research team, including PhD student Carola Martens, from Senckenberg and South Africa’s Stellenbosch University, has investigated how climate change could pose a threat...
heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars

Analysing the connection between heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars

Professor Claudia Ratti from the University of Houston discusses the connection between heavy-ion collisions and astrophysical observations of neutron stars and their mergers, and...