Assistance Devices

Scientists revolutionise robotic assistance devices

A research team from The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU has adopted the stiffness in robots to combine it with the...
mobile radio base stations

Solutions for energy saving mobile radio base stations

The ‘EdgeLimit-Green ICT’ project for the realisation of energy-saving mobile radio base stations has now commenced. Together with the University of Freiburg, and multiple other...
RNA Molecules

Scientists investigate RNA binding proteins in bacteria

Cynthia Sharma, a researcher from The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (JMU), investigates how bacteria adapts to changing environments, with a specific focus on...
critical minerals strategy

Province’s first critical minerals strategy positions Ontario as global leader

Ontario releases new critical minerals strategy that will support a made-in-Ontario electric vehicle and battery supply chain. In an exciting week for the critical raw...
Sustainable cattle farming

How sustainable cattle farming in Brazil could help to reduce carbon emissions

A research team from the University of Colorado Boulder, demonstrates the importance of customised assistance strategies to help Brazilian cattle ranchers adopt sustainable cattle...
Gravitational Waves

Natural gravitational wave detector discovered in the Moon’s orbit

A collaborative research team suggest utilising distance variations between the Earth and the Moon as a new gravitational wave detector. The theory of gravitational waves...
hybrid solar panels

Removing hotspots from hybrid solar panels

An international solar power research study has demonstrated how removing hotspots from hybrid solar panels improves electrical and thermal energy output. A new model that...
Carbon capture and storage made more efficient with novel technique

Carbon capture and storage made more efficient with novel technique

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a novel method that could result in cheaper and more efficient carbon capture and storage.  The...
Spin Waves

Researchers receive grant to revolutionise spintronic devices

A research team from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (TUK) has been awarded a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), to develop...

Photoionisation used to gain insights into complex molecular potential

The mechanism of photoionisation has been used to highlight how complex pathways influence time delays in the ionisation of molecules. How can researchers employ the...