hot Jupiters

Hot Jupiters reveal new insights into seasons on exoplanets

Observations of hot Jupiter exoplanets could advance our knowledge of seasons on planets outside our solar system as well as their planet origins and...
sustainable diet

Substituting one food item per day can result in a more sustainable diet

According to a new study, people who consume beef could reduce the carbon footprint of their diet by as much as 48% to gain...
Flood management River Niger

SEMOR: The innovative aid project enhancing flood management of the Niger River

Margherita Bruscolini, Geospatial Scientist at RSS-Hydro, outlines the organisation’s SEMOR aid project, designed to improve water resources management in the flood-prone Niger River. River and...
silicon computer chip method

Advancements in quantum computing with silicon computer chip

A novel silicon computer chip technique pioneers a wealth of potential for quantum computing construction opportunities. In the future, it could be possible to build...

Thawing permafrost has a vast impact on built environment

The melting of permafrost is revealed to be causing threats to both existing infrastructures and residents in high-risk areas. Permafrost plays a central role in...
Machine Learning

Machine learning for 3D shaped morphable materials

A research team from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a platform that utilises machine learning...
indoor temperature

Using AI to optimise indoor temperature

Viboo founders have developed an algorithm that predictively controls and monitors a buildings indoor temperature, saving electricity and money. Conventional thermostats, which are commonplace in...
globular clusters

Unique globular clusters may hold answers to galaxy evolution  

A group of astronomers at the University of Arizona have discovered an unprecedented quantity of globular clusters, which could shed light on galaxy evolution.  Discovering...
Climate Change

Seafood supplies negatively impacted by acidifying and warming seas

A study has revealed that ocean acidification and global warming are having a significant impact on the way fish interact in groups, posing a...

Scientists have developed high efficiency perovskite solar cells

Researchers at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) have synthesised the materials that were used for constructing a record-breaking solar cell module, with a 21.4%...