
Geothermal systems improved by micro drilling turbine

Fraunhofer scientists have now developed an innovative tool that enables additional branches to be drilled off the main geothermal well. This decreases the risk...
human computer interaction technology

New human-computer interaction technology expands computer input

Researchers are developing new hand gesture technology that allows users to carry out commands on computers without the need of a keyboard or mouse. The...
Quantum mechanically entangled light particles

Quantum imaging that is pushing the boundaries of optics

Researchers from the Fraunhofer lighthouse project, QUILT, utilise quantum mechanically entangled light particles to develop quantum optical solutions for wavelength ranges. Quantum mechanically entangled light...

Scientists develop food packaging that is both smart and sustainable

A team from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, have developed a food packaging that that is biodegradable,...

Significant improvements to be implemented in battery cell production  

Scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have discovered how to make battery cell production quick, inexpensive, flexible and to a high standard.  A...
superconducting material

Attempting to achieve invisibility properties with superconducting materials

Researchers have produced a simulation that demonstrates a unique 2D superconducting material that could make light-bending devices cheaper and easier to produce. A new study...
Sun's corona

Liquid metal experiment provides insight into the Sun’s corona

Scientists were able to create a liquid metal experiment to uncover the mystery regarding the high temperatures reached by the Sun’s corona. The Sun’s corona At...
recycled factory heat

Recycled factory heat can benefit industries in sustainability movement

EU funded research is analysing recycled factory heat to create novel systems that recover waste heat and return it for reuse in industrial process...
lithium metal battery performance

Reactive electrolyte additives improve lithium metal battery performance

A research team demonstrated that electrolyte additives increase the lifetime of lithium metal batteries, improving the performance of fast charging and discharging. Professor Nam-Soon Choi’s...
galaxy evolution

Astronomers create new method to understand galaxy evolution

Astronomers at The University of Toledo established the star formation history of a post-starburst galaxy using its cluster population to understand galaxy evolution. The University...