quantum approach

A quantum approach to a singularity problem

Utilising a quantum approach when referring to where the laws of physics collapse could explain what happens at the centre of black holes and...
next-generation satellites

Next-generation satellite production and innovation

The MFoC project places Madrid and Spain at the forefront of research and innovation in next-generation satellites. Satellites play an important role in our modern...
climate models

Unpredictable ice clouds negate accuracy of climate models

Assistant Professor Kazutoshi Sato from Kitami Institute of Technology, and Associate Professor Jun Inoue from the National Institute of Polar Research, investigate the interference of...
Type Ia supernova

Astronomers discover the fastest optical flash of a Type Ia supernova

A team of astronomers at Kavli IPMU capture the fastest optical flash emitted from a new-born supernova to discover how Type Ia supernova explosions...
Novel rocket test facility underway in Scotland

Novel rocket test facility underway in Scotland

British company Orbex is constructing a state-of-the-art rocket test facility in Kinloss, Scotland, this move has been welcomed by the UK Space Agency. Commenting on...
electric vehicle

Manufacturers concerned as electric motors gain popularity

Due to the increased popularity of electric cars, car manufacturers are becoming more and more uncertain regarding the industrial process, and the suitable technologies...

Aqualithium pioneers search for new sustainable source of lithium

A UK company has made a major breakthrough to find a new source of lithium used in electric vehicle batteries. With global lithium reserves predicted...
1,000-year-old supernova explosion captured in 3D

1,000-year-old supernova explosion captured in 3D

Researchers have captured 3D images that reveal previously unknown details about the elements ejected during a supernova explosion. Data, which has been gathered by the...
energy resources

Can renewable energy resources power US? 

Professor Mark Z. Jacobson of Stanford recently conducted a study assessing the realism of grid stability under which wind, water, and solar energy resources...
impaired-driver sensor technology

Safer vehicles with new impaired-driver sensor technology

Researchers create new impaired-driver sensor technology that can monitor a person’s respiration and pulse rates, paving the way for safer vehicles. The bipartisan infrastructure bill...