Battery Data

Evaluating battery data now available to AI processes

Batalyse GmbH introduces a modular software solution that permits companies a fast and automated way to evaluate and monitor their battery data with the...
electromagnetic radiation

Expanding our knowledge by studying electromagnetic radiation

Tetyana Galatyuk asks what can we learn from electromagnetic radiation about the state of visible matter under extreme conditions?
The day of the electric commercial vehicle is dawning

The day of the electric commercial vehicle is dawning

Commercial vehicles are a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gases – electric zero-emission buses and lorries are a major piece of the solution.
cyberattacks on businesses

Exploring the threat of cyberattacks on businesses

Kevin McMahon, CEO of Cyjax Limited, discusses the ever-looming threat of cyberattacks facing small and medium-sized businesses today.
RAS technology

Exploring disruptive and transformative innovation in RAS technology

Research and innovation specialist RASLab discusses how disruptive and transformative innovation in RAS technology is transforming the land-based fish farming industry.
Utilising disruptive technologies to detect life on exoplanets

Utilising disruptive technologies to detect life on exoplanets

Dr Sascha P Quanz, Professor in the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich, discusses the current status of the LIFE space mission to detect life on exoplanets and the challenges that lie ahead.

Mitigating cyber-attacks with cybersecurity awareness, programmes, and technology

Mark Brown, Global Managing Director at BSI Cybersecurity and Information Resilience, discusses cybersecurity awareness, challenges in the industry and the development of a comprehensive...
Low and high voltage power for research labs

Low and high voltage power for research labs

The MPOD/MMS universal low/high voltage multichannel power supply system driving innovation at some of the world’s most highly respected laboratories.
EV charge points

A new layer of technology for EV charge point owners

Monta is a new layer of technology that brings together EV charge point owners. Here they describe how their solutions provide an end-to-end operation.
offshore wind farms

US experts outline how to optimise the efficiency of offshore wind farms

Scientists from Cornell University have identified the most optimal strategy for boosting the efficiency of offshore wind farms.