Through research and development, ANItA’s mission is to generate knowledge-based decision support to efficiently implement small modular reactors and promote a sustainable energy supply in Sweden.
ANItA is a collaborative platform consisting of the Swedish and Finnish nuclear industry, the Swedish Academy, and the Swedish Energy Agency.
ANItA comprises academic and industrial expertise in several relevant areas. By joining forces, these stakeholders have created 14 initial research projects staffed with PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.
In turn, these young researchers are supervised by the centre’s experts, which enables the creation of a vibrant research environment where both academic and more basic research are combined with industrial engineering and marketing aspects.
Therefore, the work conducted within ANItA is also an important part of building new competencies in Sweden.
ANItA also serves as a source of knowledge for the surrounding society where the Centre’s expertise can be used by politics, media, and the public to get answers to their questions. This is an important part of ANItA’s business because misconceptions have surrounded nuclear power for so long, making it more difficult to have a rational social discussion about the need for low-carbon, dispatchable electricity production.
- SMR technologies and applications
- Small modular reactor-specific core, fuel, and operation
- SMR-specific reactor safety and safety systems
- Fuel cycles
- Deployment of new nuclear technology in Sweden, such as small modular reactors
- Optimised chemistry for LWR small modular reactors
- Structural materials issues
- Fuel assembly and core design optimisation for small modular reactors
- Novel reactor monitoring techniques
- Novel approaches to nuclear safeguards
- Experimental methods for accelerating fuel development
- Recycling of spent nuclear fuel
- Studying the role of SMRs in hybrid energy systems
- Adaptions of current laws and regulations to a new nuclear reality
- Design basis and beyond design basis scenarios, passive safety systems
- Project modelling