Quick-Med Technologies, Inc. provides innovative, green antimicrobial technologies designed to offer the best combination of safety, efficacy, durability, sustainability, and cost on the market.
The company’s patented antimicrobial technologies are NIMBUS and Stay-Fresh. These products fully eliminate even highly resistant bacteria fast enough to prevent bacteria from interfering with wound healing, such as by forming a biofilm.
Both technologies are used in FDA-cleared products for wound care and skincare and have significant histories of safe and effective use globally for medical and non-medical applications and on various surfaces. Stay-Fresh is also jointly registered with the EPA.
Antimicrobial technologies for a cleaner future
Quick-Med develops and patents novel antimicrobial technologies with good antimicrobial stewardship practices. The technologies are sustainable with non-toxic degradation products and provide durable broad-spectrum efficacy without generating resistant organisms.
The unifying mission for NIMBUS and Stay-Fresh is to combat disease and antimicrobial resistance and to support antimicrobial stewardship.
NIMBUS is currently commercialised as a wound dressing in bound form to a gauze substrate. Due to its patented manufacturing process, the active component within the NIMBUS Barrier Dressings is intrinsically bound to the substrate, contributing to its non-toxic profile.
The FDA recognises NIMBUS as the only completely non-leaching antimicrobial wound dressing material on the market.
Due to the active components’ relatively large size and the non-leaching attributes of the dressing, bacteria can not develop resistance to NIMBUS dressings. This is a vital benefit of a dressing being considered for widespread prophylactic usage.
Quick-Med uses the trademarks Stay-Fresh and Oxi-Tex to denote its antimicrobial technology, which is based on sequestering hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide works by disrupting bacterial cell walls and organelles. It is completely biocompatible in low concentrations, which are sufficient to eliminate bacteria without adversely affecting people.
This biocidal activity is nature-inspired, as HP is formed in the body’s defence chemistry against bacteria in the phagocytosis process, and the body secretes protective enzymes like Catalase to allow HP to target pathogenic organisms.
The degradation products of peroxide are water and oxygen, which are non-toxic to humans and ecologically sustainable.