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Trent University

Trent University – Challenge the Way You Think

Discover why Trent University has earned a reputation as an exceptional teaching and research university worldwide.
oxyfuel ccs

TriGen Energy: Clean oil and gas production with Oxyfuel CCS

TriGen Energy’s Oxyfuel carbon capture and storage method produces clean power for a net zero future. Read more here.

Université de Sherbrooke research and innovation excellence

Learn about Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS), a research and innovation powerhouse boasting a diverse range of research programmes.

Speira: Building a circular world that works based on leading aluminium...

Discover how Speira's advanced aluminium recycling processes present the opportunity for a more sustainable planet.

Four Corners Helium: Advancing the discovery of helium reservoirs

Four Corners Helium is leading future innovations in helium exploration through its advanced scientific projects. Four Corners Helium is a helium exploration and operating company...

Zeus: Exploring America’s newest copper district

Zeus is unlocking potential hidden beneath Idaho's proven but underdeveloped silver-rich terrain by tapping into a new copper district.
vein graphite

Applied Graphite Technologies: Energising the future with vein graphite

Applied Graphite Technologies oversees the mine to battery process through production from the world’s highest-grade vein graphite deposit.

5E Advanced Materials: Fuelling global decarbonisation through boron advanced materials

5E Advanced Materials, Inc. aims to accelerate decarbonisation worldwide by becoming a leading producer of boron advanced materials.

Koryx Copper: Exploring and developing large copper deposits in the most...

Learn more about how Koryx Copper Inc.'s copper deposits in Namibia and Zambia can advance the green energy transition.
metal analysis

Unlocking excellence in metal analysis: The Institute for Rare Earth Elements...

Discover The Institute for Rare Earth Elements and Metals AG's unparalleled metal analysis and validation services.
spectrum blue logo

Spectrum Blue: Innovations for a safe healthcare system

Spectrum Blue aims to reduce the spread of infections, ultimately contributing to a more resilient global healthcare system and decreasing Healthcare Associated Infections,

ELEMISSION: Enhancing mining sustainability with ECORE technology

Discover how ELEMISSION Inc. is revolutionising mining sustainability by leveraging the company's groundbreaking ECORE technology.
TRIUMF, particle physics

TRIUMF: World-leading particle accelerator applications

TRIUMF leads and contributes to some of the world’s most challenging questions in particle physics, including how antimatter works and more.
Battery recycling

Ensuring a sustainable future with Cirba Solutions battery recycling

Cirba Solutions is pioneering a circular economy for batteries through their world-renowned battery recycling expertise. Cirba Solutions is the combined entity representing Heritage Battery Recycling, Retriev Technologies,...

The ANEMEL project: Novel routes to green hydrogen production

The ANEMEL project is hastening the development of electrolysers capable of operating under low-grade water sources. Read more here.
Frontiers of fundamental physics: exploring the invisible universe

Frontiers of fundamental physics: exploring the invisible universe

The Wright Laboratory at Yale University, advances the frontiers of fundamental physics through a broad research programme in nuclear, particle, and astrophysics. One aspect of...

ZeroF project: Innovating sustainable PFAS-free coating technologies

EU Project ZeroF innovates sustainable PFAS-free coating technologies as substitutes for PFAS in food packaging and textiles.

Deploying lead-fast reactor technology to provide clean energy

The SUNRISE programme, hosted by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, is the first step towards building a lead-fast reactor that will provide safe,...

Brazilian Critical Minerals: An emerging Brazilian rare earth and precious metals...

BCM is positioned to benefit from nine large REE-focused tenements near Apui Town and a precious metals and gold discovery at Tres Estados.

ANItA: Collaboration to implement small modular reactors in Sweden

ANItA’s mission is to generate knowledge-based decision support to efficiently implement small modular reactors in Sweden.