Rare Earth Element News

The latest rare earth elements news highlighting key developments in the extraction of the 17 metallic elements that are found in the component parts of many electronic consumer products.

ERMA Booster Call drives sustainable growth in Europe’s raw materials sector

EIT RawMaterials outlines the ERMA Booster Call, a new initiative supporting startups and projects in Europe’s raw materials sector.

Exploring new frontiers in critical minerals

Bedford Analysis discuss how new frontiers in critical mineral mining could radically reshape global supply chains.

US injects $5.5m funding into critical minerals and materials projects

The US has announced $5.5m funding for advancing sustainable processes to produce and refine critical minerals and materials.

Rare earth elements from extinct volcanoes could boost Australia’s supply chains

Extinct volcanoes could provide Australia with an exciting and abundant new source of rare earth elements, according to research.

Harnessing Australia’s critical minerals capacity

The Innovation Platform explores the major steps being taken to transform Australia’s critical minerals sector.

The Critical Minerals Pragmatist newsletter by Olimpia Pilch: Navigating the latest supply chain developments

Welcome to the latest edition of The Critical Minerals Pragmatist by Olimpia Pilch, offering fresh insights into the rapidly changing world of critical minerals.

The Critical Minerals Pragmatist newsletter by Olimpia Pilch: Exploring China’s tightening grip on antimony and more

Introducing the latest edition of The Critical Minerals Pragmatist, by Olimpia Pilch, exploring China's antimony restrictions and more.

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