Nico Schmaeling, Senior Director Auxiliary Product Portfolio and New Energy at John Crane, explores the potential that carbon capture, utilisation and storage has in the journey to net zero.
In December, the UK took a major step towards net zero by signing two major carbon capture deals, set to bring thousands of skilled jobs to the northeast of the country. The Northern Endurance Partnership will build pipelines to safely transport carbon offshore for storage, while Net Zero Teesside Power will construct a cutting-edge power station with carbon capture technology. These projects will unlock £4bn in contracts, driving the UK’s green transition forward.
The importance of CCUS
But what exactly is carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), and why is it so important? At its core, CCUS is an important decarbonisation technology. It works by capturing CO₂ emissions from major sources like fossil fuel fired power plants or refineries, then either storing them underground or repurposing them for industrial applications. The ‘U’ in CCUS stands for utilisation, which involves using captured carbon in industries such as chemicals, food and beverage, and even oil recovery. This turns them into economic opportunities, unlocking new areas for growth.
While CCUS technology has been around for more than 30 years, the sector is currently gaining commercial traction and secures political support. So, why is this happening now? The answer lies in the energy transition – a global shift as transformative as the Industrial Revolution. As the world moves from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy systems, we must balance the rising global demand for energy with the urgent need to cut carbon dioxide emissions and fight back global warming. CCUS has a key role to play.
CCUS plays a particularly important role in decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors such as steel and cement production, chemical manufacturing, oil and gas processing, and even heavy transport. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), CCUS has the potential to reduce energy-related emissions by 13%. And it can create new revenue streams across industries, proving that sustainability and economic growth can go hand in hand.
How does CCUS work and where do we stand?
Today, there are around 50 commercial CCUS facilities operating globally, some dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. Deployment has long trailed expectations, but that’s changing. There are around 700 projects in various stages of planning and development. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects capture capacity will grow 35% by 2030, with storage capacity by 70%. If these targets are met, CCUS could capture 435 million tonnes (Mt) of CO₂ annually by the end of the decade.
CCUS works in two ways: pre-combustion capture, and post-combustion capture. The first, which is the most common until now, removes CO₂ before combustion during the hydrocarbon processing by means of gas separation and usually also chemical absorption. The second removes CO₂ from exhaust gases after fossil fuels are burned, primarily through chemical absorption. Here’s a simple breakdown: industrial flue gas passes through an amine solution that binds to the CO₂. When heat is applied, the CO₂ is released as a gas, ready for capture, transport, and storage. Think of it as a molecular sieve – simple in theory, but challenging and expensive to scale.
Once captured, the CO₂ must be transported to a storage site. Pipelines are the most common method, with around 50 CO₂ pipelines spanning over 6,500km in the US alone, transporting roughly 68 million tons annually. When compressed to a supercritical state, CO₂ has the density of a liquid but the viscosity of a gas, making it ideal for pipeline transport. The final step is storage, where CO₂ is injected into underground rock formations, staying securely locked away for millions of years. To prevent leaks, CCUS teams monitor pressure, water contamination, and seismic activity.
Norway’s Sleipner facility has been safely storing 0.9 million tonnes of CO₂ annually since 1996, while Brazil’s Petrobras Santos Basin stores 10.6 million tonnes per year through Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) – a testament to CCUS’s long-term feasibility. Despite the progress, we’re still far from where we need to be. More than 90% of industrial CO₂ emissions could be captured, yet many projects remain stalled due to cost and infrastructure challenges.
Another challenge is public perception. While CCUS is effective, some critics argue that it prolongs the use of fossil fuels instead of accelerating a full transition to renewables, especially where it is used to justify new large-scale greenfield or brownfield developments. Others worry about safety, despite decades of successful storage projects. Addressing these concerns will be key to widespread adoption.
Expanding CCS into CCUS
Traditional carbon capture and storage (CCS) focused solely on locking CO₂ away underground – which is the main goal of those initiatives. CCUS, however, adds the ‘usage’ element – finding ways to monetise captured carbon and make the process financially viable. For example, in construction, CO₂ can be used to produce concrete while locking away carbon. In chemical production, it serves as a feedstock for synthetic fuels. And in food and beverage, it is used for carbonation and preservation.
New startups are cropping up to make use of this captured carbon. Clean O2, based in Calgary, uses carbon captured from industrial flues for biodegradable liquid hand soap. Econic in the UK turns CO₂ into polyurethane-based (plastic) products, used in everything from footwear to car parts. Research is even exploring CO₂’s use in boosting crops, decaffeinating coffee and tea, and even as a solution in fire suppression systems.
However, it’s in hard-to-abate industries that carbon capture is really finding its legs. Sectors such as steel and cement can’t be easily and completely electrified, making carbon capture one of the key building blocks for decarbonisation. Companies like Luxemburg-based steel production company ArcelorMittal are leading the charge. In 2022, it launched a multi-year feasibility project to integrate carbon capture into its steel plants, including its five-million-tonne facility in Gent, Belgium, and another in North America. The project aims to explore the potential of capturing significant amounts of CO₂ from blast furnaces, starting with an initial phase that captures 300kg of CO₂ daily. This initial phase is a critical step in demonstrating the practicality and scalability of carbon capture technologies, paving the way for more substantial reductions in the future as the project progresses and expands.
Adoption, however, faces barriers. High costs, market demand, and technological readiness are just a few of the concerns. Because CCUS is energy-intensive, it’s often compared unfavourably to alternative decarbonisation methods like renewables or hydrogen that completely eliminate direct carbon emissions. And because some projects have underperformed – Al Reyadah in the UAE, the world’s only commercial-scale CCUS project for steelmaking, captured just 26.6% of emissions in 2023 – there is some scepticism.
The role of regulation and investment
So, what’s holding CCUS back? Investment and policy support. CCUS is lagging not because the technology doesn’t work, but the sector is still in its early stages. Despite promising use cases, clear revenue streams remain elusive, infrastructure is underdeveloped, and commercial projects require significant upfront capital. Many countries still do not have regulations in place ensuring the safe storage of CO2. It needs the right financial and regulatory frameworks to scale.
Markets such as the UK are stepping up. In 2019, the UK’s independent Climate Change Committee concluded that CCUS was “a necessity, not an option” for the UK’s goal for net zero and, in 2024, UK government committed to an ambitious funding package for CCUS, totalling up to £21.7bn over 25 years. The EU’s 2024 Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) now requires oil and gas companies to store at least 50 million tonnes of CO₂ annually by 2030.
To really take off, McKinsey says CCUS need development in these four areas: tax credits, direct subsidies, and price support mechanisms; the growing demand for lower-carbon products; the potential to use CO₂ as a valuable feedstock; and the rise of voluntary carbon markets.
When it comes to collaboration between public and private entities, The Acorn Project in northeast Scotland proves it can be done. This repurposing of gas pipelines for CCUS transport saw the Scottish Government put £2m into pipeline exploration and pledged £80m contingent on the success of stage one. Acorn has also been shortlisted for a share of the UK’s £1bn Track 2 CCS fund, with further backing expected from the UK’s £20bn CCS package announced in March 2023. While the project is still awaiting final confirmation of UK funding under the ‘Track-2 progress’, the commitment from both the Scottish and UK governments underscores the potential for significant progress in CCUS infrastructure.
Mostly, it is the infrastructure challenge – transportation and storage – that needs solving. But it is not just about pipes and tanks, and there are many tech advancements offering opportunities. For instance, pumps and systems play a crucial role across CCUS applications, from amine solvent pumps in CO₂ capture to liquid CO₂ transport. Minimising multi-phase flow is also critical during transport, as CO₂ behaves differently at varying temperatures. Advanced technologies, such as multi-phase centrifugal pumps, can stabilise flow and ensure reliable transport.
Right now, the industrial sector is one of the biggest carbon emitters, and CCUS is the only scalable solution available today to cut those emissions. For decades, mass adoption has seemed just around the corner. But the next few years will be crucial: the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) estimates the global CCUS market could reach £260bn by 2050. While the outlook is positive, as it has been for years, this decade will determine whether CCUS finally becomes viable.
Please note, this article will also appear in the 21st edition of our quarterly publication.