Animal HealthNews - Page 3

UK Government tightens measures after Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in Germany

Learn about the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in Germany, its impact, prevention measures, and UK efforts to safeguard livestock.

Dogs identified as spreaders of antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella

Discover more about the spread of and approaches needed to combat antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella in household dogs.

New funding secures UK’s protection from dangerous animal diseases

A £200m investment in the UK’s main research testing facility will bolster the country's fight against dangerous animal diseases.

A One Health approach to tackling antimicrobial resistance in animals

Dr Morgan Jeannin from the World Organisation for Animal Health details the actions we can take towards tackling antimicrobial resistance in animals.

Addressing antibiotic resistance in pets with better diagnostics

While most people associate antibiotic stewardship with human medicine, it is just as crucial for animal health, particularly for our pets.

Antibiotic resistance in UK animals hits record low

A new report has revealed antibiotic resistance in UK animals remains at its lowest level since reporting started a decade ago.

Horizon Europe project to enhance animal health and welfare in EU fish farming

A new project funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme aims to optimise animal health and welfare within the European fish farming sector.

Influencing the rumen microbiome

The University of Minnesota’s Dr Andres Gomez, Dr Isaac Salfer, and Dr Marshall Stern discuss how the rumen microbiome is influenced by non-nutritional factors,...

Scientists urge for drastic measures to mitigate biodiversity loss

A collection of scientists from bioDiscovery and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), outline their key framework to help relieve...

New species of rain frog named in honour of Greta Thunberg

Scientists discover a new species of rain frog in Panama and have named it after climate activist Greta Thunberg. In 2018, the Rainforest Trust celebrated...

The worrying impact of sea ice decline on polar bear movement patterns

Due to ever-increasing climate change impacts causing sea ice to melt, polar bears are being forced to travel longer and more hazardous distances to...

Amazon basin approaches potential disastrous tipping point

Landmark report released at COP26 climate change conference forebodes a potential crisis for the Amazon basin. A first-of-its-kind scientific report detailing the natural disaster unfolding...

Studying the ‘potential’ of species to cope with environmental changes

Professor Dr Jörns Fickel of Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research explains the work taking place on species’ ability to cope with environmental changes.

Cell-based fish from a bioreactor: a novel alternative to fishing

Scientists at Bluu Biosciences are developing a method of growing cell-based fish, which could offer a sustainable alternative to fishing.

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