Artificial IntelligenceNews - Page 28

Utilising machine learning to enhance foetal heart defect detection

Researchers have developed a method to double doctor’s accuracy in detecting foetal heart defects in utero using machine learning.

Mapping remote island wildlife as part of international climate action

As part of a new climate action initiative, researchers will utilise 5G, AI and data science techniques to map wild plants and ancient forests on remote Indonesian islands.

Studying individual atoms in a 3D nanoparticle

Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have studied the 3D atomic structure of the atoms in a nanoparticle.

Optimeering Aqua: using digital tools to optimise aquaculture

By collaborating with leading aquacultural organisations and academics, Optimeering Aqua is creating digital tools to improve fish health and enhance aquaculture production.

The Big Data challenge at the Large Hadron Collider

The IFIC's José Salt and Santiago González de la Hoz discuss the Big Data challenge at the LHC and how deep learning is being used in LHC experiments to extract knowledge.

Developing smart foam to make robots more intelligent

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed an artificial smart foam – ‘AiFoam’ – for robots to interact more intelligently with their surroundings.

National Science Foundation: promoting the progress of science

The National Science Foundation (NSF) works to push the boundaries of knowledge, explains Physics Division Director, Dr Denise Caldwell.

Using Artificial Intelligence to effectively monitor water quality

Researchers at the University of Stirling have developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor water quality more effectively.

An easy-to-use platform is a gateway to AI in microscopy

Researchers have developed a platform to help non-experts use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to study microscopy images.

Understanding coral reef ecosystems by playing a video game

NASA is inviting members of the public to help researchers understand coral reef ecosystems by playing the NeMO-Net video game.

Tackling the COVID-19 pandemic through smart lampposts

The transmission of COVID-19 could be diminished by the utilisation of a novel generation of smart lampposts.

How drones are making an impact on innovative agriculture

How using innovative agriculture methods such as drones are critical to Agriculture 4.0 and the changing climate.

Using Artificial Intelligence to identify flooded buildings

A research team at the Tohoku University has developed an Artificial Intelligence method that uses news media images to accurately detect flooded buildings within 24 hours of a disaster.

Using Artificial Intelligence to detect anomalies in space

Researchers at Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg are training Artificial Intelligence on a satellite to discover unknown phenomena in space.

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