Battery ProductionNews - Page 16

Reducing emissions by using fuel cells on the continental shelf

A collaborative research team is developing technologies that can be adapted to make the oil and gas industry more energy efficient, such as fuel...

Building North America’s largest green battery recycling park

ACE Green Recycling (ACE) has announced plans to build and operate North America’s largest emission-free and sustainable green battery recycling park in Texas. The 400,000...

The contribution of high purity materials to decarbonisation

ChemX Materials Ltd on supplying high purity materials to the energy transition and the decarbonisation markets. ChemX Materials Ltd (ASX:CMX) currently has three projects that...

Li-Cycle: Sustainable lithium-ion battery recycling technology

Li-Cycle’s patented and sustainable lithium-ion battery recycling process offers a step towards a clean energy future. Building a clean energy future may depend on a...

Finding new copper deposits for the green energy transition

Scientists at the University of Geneva have uncovered significant knowledge on the origins of copper deposit formation and finding new copper deposits. Copper is amongst...

First acetylene-based conductive additives plant to be built in the US

Orion Engineered Carbons (NYSE: OEC), a speciality chemical company, announced plans on 5 May 2022 to build the first US acetylene-based conductive additives plant. It...

$45m for advanced batteries for electric vehicles

The United States Department of Energy has announced $45m in funding to facilitate the development of advanced batteries for electric vehicles. It is hoped...

Solid-state technology: The next big revolution on the horizon

Iñigo Careaga, Business Analyst at CIC energiGUNE, explores the vast potential of solid-state technologies. Although it may seem a modern concept, batteries have recently turned...

Lithium Power International: Pioneering the lithium supply chain

Industry-leading energy company Lithium Power International (LPI) is advancing their Maricunga brine project in Chile, a significant enhancement to the lithium supply chain. Adversity often...

Scientists investigate lithium-ion batteries’ reliance on rare metals

Scientists from Tohoku University (TU) demonstrate a method that could diminish industrial reliance on rare metals in the production of lithium-ion batteries. How can industrial...

Umicore and ACC collaborate on EV battery materials

Umicore and Automotive Cells Company (ACC) has signed a supply agreement for EV battery materials in Europe. Meeting the demand for EV battery materials Umicore will...

Before breaking ground: Challenges and opportunities for Mexican lithium

Andrew I Rudman and Cecily Fasanella of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars discuss the potential of Mexican lithium. In response to the growing...

Investing in copper for a greener future

As demand grows for metals used in green technologies, Denis Miville-Deschênes, President and CEO of Highland Copper Company Inc., discusses why now is the...

Integrated approach: Lithium commodity production through battery assembly

American Lithium Minerals explores its six Nevada properties, its lithium commodity production and plans for two innovative battery plants. American Lithium Minerals, Inc. (OTC: AMLM)...

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