BiodiversityNews - Page 10

Advancing nutrition science: innovation and collaboration

We spoke to the President of The Nutrition Society, Professor Julie Lovegrove, about the importance of nutrition science. The Nutrition Society was established in 1941....

Nature chemistry on the highway to health

From biosynthetic versatility to applications in therapeutics, Andrade’s team has been travelling through marine and terrestrial organisms. Over the last two decades, the group of...

Biodiversity loss: one million species threatened with extinction

With one million species facing the threat of extinction, the WWF explains how the EU can mitigate biodiversity loss. Biodiversity is in crisis. This catastrophic...

Butterfly data can inform Europe’s environmental policy

Butterflies and moths are vital indicators of the health of Europe’s biodiversity and a new project is helping to get a clear picture of...

Burning issues for animal gene banks: news from IMAGE H2020 project

A stakeholders survey has revealed positive attitude towards an increased use of bio banks to conserve genetic diversity in the livestock sector. Conservation of animal genetic...

Bridging the gaps between the natural and social sciences

Dr Chantal Claud outlines how the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Observatory is bridging the gaps between the natural and social sciences so as to better observe...

Fungal pathogens in food: AgroSustain extends food shelf life

AgroSustain has developed a solution to reducing food waste caused by fungal pathogens in food with its new product: AgroShelf+. Food waste is increasingly becoming...

Deposit return schemes: resolving plastic waste

Pierre Condamine from Zero Waste Europe analyses European implementation of deposit return schemes, explaining how they could be used to solve the plastic waste...

Sustainable aquaculture: an NGO’s point of view

Good Fish Foundation and Seas at Risk explain the environmentally responsible aquaculture model and highlight the importance of sustainable aquaculture from an NGO perspective. The...

Marine Protected Areas: why bother?

Innovation News Network speaks to Jean-Luc Solandt of the Marine Conservation Society about the importance of having well-managed Marine Protected Areas. We live on one...

Integrated farm management: transforming sustainability in agriculture

Martijn Buijsse from the European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture talks about European sustainable agriculture and how ‘integrated farm management’ could help to...

How viable is carbon capture, utilisation and storage for climate mitigation?

Carbon dioxide emissions need to be curbed if countries are to meet their Paris Climate Agreement commitments. Christoph Beuttler from Climeworks talks to Innovation...

Masters of magic: using marginal lands for growing industrial crops

Dr Efthymia Alexopoulou of the Centre for Renewable Sources and Energy Saving (CRES) describes the use of marginal lands for growing industrial crops (MAGIC). Industrial...

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