BiodiversityNews - Page 5

Extremely harsh volcanic lake suggests how life might have existed on Mars

Researchers discover that a few specialist microbes found in a volcanic lake can survive conditions similar to those of Mars’ early history. The hydrothermal crater...

Scientists investigate the salinisation of river and lake ecosystems

A collaborative research team including the University of Barcelona analysed the current knowledge regarding salinisation and created a guideline to improve the understanding of...

Urban climate resilience facilitated with the use of green backyards

A team of researchers from the University of Potsdam (UP), Germany, explored the impacts of additional green structures in cities, such as thermal comfort,...

New study confirms abundance of ocean microplastic pollution

A novel study has shed light on the problem of ocean microplastic pollution, confirming it could be far worse than anticipated. Scientists at the Institute...

Apex predators help to reduce climate change impacts on biodiversity

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin and Hokkaido University researched the impacts of apex predators in mitigating climate change impacts on biodiversity loss. According to new...

The Mediterranean coral populations deplete amidst climate change

A collaborative study has revealed that marine heatwaves are depleting the populations of coral in the Mediterranean. What has this study revealed regarding Mediterranean coral? The...

Scientists reveal patterns in contemporary evolution theory

A new global dataset gathered by researchers has uncovered the various factors that have influenced the contemporary evolution theory such as, human disturbances and...

Scientists urge for drastic measures to mitigate biodiversity loss

A collection of scientists from bioDiscovery and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), outline their key framework to help relieve...

Scientists reveal that ammonium is beneficial for pine root growth

Researchers from the University of Malaga (UM) conducted a study investigating the benefits of ammonium, one of which being the development of a specific...

Seafood supplies negatively impacted by acidifying and warming seas

A study has revealed that ocean acidification and global warming are having a significant impact on the way fish interact in groups, posing a...

Researchers uncover cause for the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction

Florida State University researchers discover that low oxygen and sulphide in the oceans had effected the environmental conditions that characterised the Late Ordovician Mass...

European Commission takes steps to combat environmental crime 

The European Commission has proposed to strengthen the protection of the environment and combat environmental crime through criminal law.  The Commission has adopted a novel...

Measuring the European bioeconomy for the green energy transition

Why closing the data gaps in the European bioeconomy through good data collection is the key to a greener Europe. Key initiatives such as the...

Amazon basin approaches potential disastrous tipping point

Landmark report released at COP26 climate change conference forebodes a potential crisis for the Amazon basin. A first-of-its-kind scientific report detailing the natural disaster unfolding...

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