BiodiversityNews - Page 7

Pollinators key to fighting climate change and creating green cities

Research conducted as part of the URBAN GreenUP project indicates that pollinators play a significant part in enhancing city sustainability and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Preventing biodiversity loss with microclimatic variability

Research on preventing biodiversity loss indicates that the population increase of endangered species of butterfly is largest in habitats with microclimatic variability.

Understanding coral reef ecosystems by playing a video game

NASA is inviting members of the public to help researchers understand coral reef ecosystems by playing the NeMO-Net video game.

Biogeophysics: exploring the Earth’s subsurface biosphere

The Ecohydrology Research Group and Water Institute are using their research in biogeophysics to develop tools to observe the Earth’s subsurface biosphere. The Earth’s shallow...

Common plants and pollinators act as anchors for ecosystems

Common plants and pollinators play a central role in maintaining biodiversity, acting as anchors for ecosystems, and assisting against some of the impacts of climate change.

How do seabirds interact with aquaculture and fisheries?

Researchers investigate the interactions between Mediterranean and Atlantic seabirds and aquaculture and fisheries.

Plants and insects threatened by pesticide use in agriculture

In new research that reveals potential consequences of pesticide use in agriculture, a group of scientists have found that applied pesticide toxicity in agriculture has significantly increased in plants and insects.

Cornish species of red algae is genetically unique

Scientists have discovered that the red algae that grows in Cornwall's Fal Estuary, named Phymatolithon calcareum, is genetically unique.

Amazon deforestation increases the diversity of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in soil

Researchers have discovered that deforestation in the Amazon causes an increase in the diversity of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Can an increase in flowering fields help promote biodiversity?

Ecologists have analysed the effects of initiatives to plant flowering fields to increase biodiversity around agricultural landscapes.

New underwater robot will gather extensive data on deep-sea species

Spanish researchers have developed a new underwater robot to conduct in-depth analyses of deep-sea species.

Avoiding undersized fish hotspots could ensure sustainable fishery management

To ensure sustainable fishery management, a study has identified the regions in European seas that are hot spots for undersized fish.

Flower diversity may mitigate the impact of insecticides on wild bees

Researchers from the University of Göttingen, Germany, suggest that flower diversity may reduce the impact of insecticides on wild bees.

Future climate-related species extinction could be less severe than previously predicted

Future climate-related species extinction could be less severe than predictions based only on the current trend of global warming.

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