Today, the British Prime Minister will commit to protecting 30% of the UK’s natural environment and biodiversity by 2030.
National parks, ‘areas of outstanding natural...
Will Simonson, Senior Programme Officer for Climate Change and Biodiversity at the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), discusses some of the...
Investigating emerging pathogens in amphibians and reptiles at the Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health of the University of Bern in collaboration with info...
Kusuto Nanjo from the National Fisheries University, Japan, explains why mangroves and their ecosystems must be conserved and managed.
Mangroves are salt-tolerant trees and shrubs...
An innovative team of researchers have successfully used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to further their understanding of biodiversity in birds, by training computers to recognise...
Dr Peter Beck, Professor and Coordinator of Environmental Science and Policy at St. Edward’s University, describes tropical deforestation as a ‘wicked’ problem, and discusses...
Coralie Danchin from the European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources discusses some of the reasons why obtaining animal genetic resources is important.
Environmental scientists from St. Edward’s University discuss how paying landowners to protect trees could help preserve tropical forests.
Tropical forests are home to half of...
The Executive Committee of COLOSS announces a new three year funding package to develop sustainable and innovative methods of ensuring bee health.
This funding comes...
The Innovation Platform speaks to Wetlands International Europe about how healthy and restored wetlands can contribute as nature-based solutions to the European Green Deal.
A team of researchers have developed an innovative method of outlining protected areas for deep sea fauna in the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone.
In Journal of...
Standard Bio uses char based products to enhance soil, animal feed supplements and filtering systems to help promote a sustainable carbon capturing future.
There are...
IGE distribute and maintain incinerators manufactured with multi-layered refractory bricks of the highest quality, with less than 12% porosity, making them the most fuel-efficient...
The Innovation Platform (TIP) welcomes Carolyn Hull Sieg, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, to discuss the effects bark beetles have...