BiologyNews - Page 5

Scientists analyse coral reef bleaching to see if they can self-restore

Scientists have discovered evidence that coral reefs in remote or protected areas can quickly recover from mass coral reef bleaching events. Two years after the...

Sea anemone gene linked to development of auditory cells in humans

A research team from the University of Arkansas has made a link between the developmental gene for touch in sea anemones and the development...

Flowers’ visible colours can help to ensure pollination survival

Different substances that are invisible to the human eye and found in the petals of flowers, attract insects with a ‘bulls-eye’ that is the...

Arctic permafrost thawing amid unexpected summer rainfall

A research team from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) has discovered an increased acceleration in the rate that the Arctic permafrost is thawing. Why is...

The SPRING project: An EU-wide monitoring system for pollinators

To meet the goals laid out in the SPRING project, a collaborative research team consisting of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and...

Scientists investigate RNA binding proteins in bacteria

Cynthia Sharma, a researcher from The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (JMU), investigates how bacteria adapts to changing environments, with a specific focus on...

How sustainable cattle farming in Brazil could help to reduce carbon emissions

A research team from the University of Colorado Boulder, demonstrates the importance of customised assistance strategies to help Brazilian cattle ranchers adopt sustainable cattle...

Scientists to revolutionise neuromorphic computer technology

A research team from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern has received a grant to build an artificial brain that will revolutionise neuromorphic computer technology. Junior...

Scientists investigate the importance of symmetry in evolution

A research team from the University of Bergen has conducted an experiment to determine the importance of symmetry in evolution. Scientists have observed that symmetry...

Scientists develop novel model to predict tropical fish migration patterns

A research team from Hokkaido University has developed a model that can predict the tropical fish migration patterns of six different species, as sea...

Renewable bioenergy generation aided by ‘skyscraper’ bacteria

A research team from the University of Cambridge has developed ‘skyscrapers’ for communities of bacteria to aid in renewable bioenergy generation. How did scientists develop...

Discovery of fossil revolutionises structure of Vampyropoda

Collaborative research conducted by the American Museum of Natural History and Yale University, reveals a new species of Vampyropoda, with 10 arms rather than...

Novel machine learning technique revolutionises bacterial identification

A research team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has developed a ‘fingerprint’ algorithm to aid in a quicker and...

The density of snowshoe hares reveals information about forest ecosystems

Scientists utilise new camera trapping methods to reveal the density of snowshoe hares, and what that data reflects about other animal communities and the...

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