BiomaterialsNews - Page 1

One year later: INN-PRESSME continues making developments for bio-based solutions

INN-PRESSME updates us on its cutting-edge technology to create sustainable bio-based solutions for a variety of industries.

AIMed: Pioneering antimicrobial peptides and biomaterials to prevent post-operation infections

AIMed provides a comprehensive research project centred around antimicrobial peptides and biomaterials for medical applications.

Advancing critical mineral exploration research in Northern Ontario

Discover how Lakehead University is pioneering the future of sustainable critical mineral exploration and development in Northern Ontario.

The bioeconomy: A realistic opportunity to make a major contribution to creating a sustainable circular economy

Learn about the importance of the bioeconomy, and how bio-based materials can help us along the path to net zero.

Interdisciplinary science of the built environment to advance regenerative sustainability

InnoRenew CoE is boosting state of the art nature-based solutions to accelerate the adoption of regenerative sustainability.

Transforming polluting plastics into a circular material

The Technological University of the Shannon is transforming polluting plastics into a resource for circularity in tandem with nature.

Making a difference: Enabling bioeconomy advancements through relationship building and advocacy

The Alternative Fuels & Chemicals Coalition is advocating for federal policies to stimulate innovation in the green economy.

Federal funding opportunities for the nine Technology Readiness Levels

Learn more about how the use of the nine Technology Readiness Levels can support innovative projects in energy and sustainability.

Test before investing: INN-PRESSME Open Innovation Test Bed services

Learn about INN-PRESSME Open Innovation Test Bed which creates sustainable alternatives to oil-based products for a circular economy.

Creating functional perovskites with tuneable properties

A team of scientists have successfully converted mineral shells of algae into lead halide perovskites with tuneable physical properties

Advanced nanoplatforms for diagnosis and treatment of osteosarcoma

Consortium Nano4Tarmed is developing 2D nanoplatforms for active drug delivery and diagnosis of osteosarcoma. Population growth is shrinking, mainly due to the overall fertility rate...

Computational modelling advances tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Professor Liesbet Geris shares how computational modelling enhances tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

A shift in focus: Future priorities for the biomaterials sector

Dr Paul Roach, President of the UK Society for Biomaterials, outlines the aims of the organisation and explains what the biomaterials sector learnt from...

Developing materials to overcome AMR in orthopaedic implants

AIMed is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (Horizon2020 MSCA-ITN) training 15 early-stage researchers to develop materials with antimicrobial properties suitable for use on...

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