BiomaterialsNews - Page 2

Scientists utilise innovative approach to create new catalyst for polymer diversity

Scientists have developed a catalyst that turns three monomer mixtures into diblock dialternating terpolymers in one single step. A catalyst developed at King Abdullah University...

Carbon dioxide cold traps on the moon have been confirmed

Lunar carbon dioxide cold traps discovered could be used to sustain robot or human presence on the moon. After decades of uncertainty, researchers in Washington...

Cell-based regenerative therapies for maxillofacial bone defects

A collaboration of engineers, biomedical scientists, and clinicians in the Netherlands has recently reached a breakthrough in cell-based bone regenerative therapies. Although bone has a...

Addressing the key translational challenges of regenerative medicine

Sophie Mountcastle, Science Manager of the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform, describes the current regenerative medicine landscape in the UK.

Learning from biology to improve water splitting catalysts

Dr Anna Schenk from the University of Bayreuth discusses the use of biogenic minerals as biomaterials and applications such as water splitting catalysts and fuel cells.

Advancing medical care with 3D-printed tissue scaffolds

UK scientists have developed 3D-printed tissue scaffolds that provide efficient tissue regeneration once implanted and harmlessly biodegrade.

Generating functional cartilage tissue by 3D bioprinting stem cells

A team of Swedish researchers have devised an innovative method to produce functional cartilage by 3D bioprinting stem cells. Today, several hundreds of millions of...

UKRI pledge substantial funding to UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund

UKRI will be financing £10 million to the UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund(UKI2S), ensuring world-leading scientific research.

Using machine learning to understand the interfaces of hybrid materials

By using machine learning techniques, researchers at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) can predict the structure formation of functionalised molecules at the interfaces of hybrid materials.

New editing tool for oil-producing microalgae genomes

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have created a genome scalpel to rapidly edit oil-producing microalgae genomes.

Scientists use silkworm silk to grow skeletal muscle cells

Researchers are using silkworm silk to grow skeletal muscle cells, potentially leading to better treatments for muscle atrophy.

Scaling-up extraction of extracellular matrices

Dr Deepak Choudhury, from the Biomanufacturing Technology Group at BTI A*STAR, explains how its newly-developed strategies can scale-up the extraction of extracellular matrices.

Scaffold-guided breast reconstruction

Professor Dietmar W Hutmacher, Director of the ARC Centre in Additive Biomanufacturing at the Queensland University of Technology, discusses how scaffold-guided tissue engineering can...

Regenerative medicine in the era of COVID-19

Mike Lehmicke, Director of Science and Industry Affairs at the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, discusses the alliance’s key focus areas, as well as topics such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

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