BiomaterialsNews - Page 3

Advanced biomedical materials research

Biomedical materials have advanced dramatically over the last 50 years and continue to evolve today. The goal at the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Advanced Biomedical Materials is to train an interdisciplinary cohort of students to compete in this global field.

Regenerating musculoskeletal tissues

Dr Warren L Grayson outlines the work taking place at his lab at the Johns Hopkins’ Translational Tissue Engineering Center in regenerating musculoskeletal tissues, from treating skeletal muscle loss to 3D-printing bioactive scaffolds with precise anatomic geometries

Combining nanomaterials and biomaterials to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases

Northeastern University explains how nanomaterials and biomaterials can be used to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases.

The National Cancer Institute on the use of biomaterials in cancer treatment

Matthew Wolf of the National Cancer Institute spoke to Innovation News Network’s Caitlin Magee, about the use of biomaterials in cancer treatment.

Funding gaps and the clinical need for innovation in biomaterials

The Innovation Platform spoke with the President of the United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials (UKSB), Dr Paul Roach, about the continuing role of the...

The use of food waste in the development of biomaterials

Innovation News Network's digital editor, Caitlin Magee, explores the role of food waste in the development of biomaterials. 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste enters...

Scientists create a new biodegradable glue from synthetic spider silk

An innovative research team, based at the University of Manchester, have successfully created a biodegradable glue from synthetic spider silk. In a recent paper published...

Ceramic dental implants: innovation in dentistry

Modern ceramic dental implants, when correctly positioned and handled, represent a highly innovative addition to the treatment spectrum in dental implantology. In the past, ceramic...

The social and economic consequences of antimicrobial resistance

Dr Jochen Salber, Head of the Department of Experimental Surgery at University Medical Centre Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum, discusses the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance. At a...

Why innovation in biomaterials is key to the success of bioprinting

Dr Markus Rimann, head of Tissue Engineering for Drug Development (TEDD) at the University of Zurich, speaks to The Innovation Platform about the symbiotic...

Innovative bioscaffold to promote healing and tissue regeneration

Next generation extracellular matrix biomaterials promote healing – Is human tissue regeneration within reach? Unlike less-developed species such as the axolotl and zebra fish, the...

Modifying calcium phosphate-based materials for bone repair

Dr Christophe Drouet and Dr David Grossin explain the relevance of calcium phosphate-based materials for bone repair and nanomedicine. For decades, nature has inspired civilisations...

Spider silk-based biomaterials: fostering innovation in countless industries

The development of the large-scale biotechnological production of spider silk proteins in the last two decades has enabled new applications biomaterials. Spiders have evolved silks...

Sustainable wood derived PPE to protect against COVID-19

West Virginia University researchers have received $200,000 to develop wood derived PPE to protect against COVID-19. The environmental impact of COVID-19 is still largely unknown....

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