CancerNews - Page 3

Living in proximity to superfund sites may lower life expectancy

New research suggests that residing in close proximity to a hazardous waste or superfund site may lower life expectancy by a year.

Scientists use neutron scattering experiments to understand tumour suppression

Scientists have used neutron scattering techniques to investigate what happens inside cells when they are at risk of becoming cancerous.

Scaffold-guided breast reconstruction

Professor Dietmar W Hutmacher, Director of the ARC Centre in Additive Biomanufacturing at the Queensland University of Technology, discusses how scaffold-guided tissue engineering can...

Study reveals positive role of androgens in breast cancer treatment

New evidence about the positive role of androgens in breast cancer treatment has been discovered by researchers at the University of Adelaide.

Role of ADAMTS1 in the development of uveal melanoma

Scientists have demonstrated the role of ADAMTS1 in the development of uveal melanoma, one of the rarest and most aggressive cancers.

Pfizer invested $120m in four clinical-stage biotechnology companies

Pfizer has announced that it invested a total of $120m in four biotechnology companies as part of the Pfizer Breakthrough Growth Initiative.

New computing technique uses data from CT scans to increase the accuracy of tumour biopsies

New research suggests that a new advanced computing technique, which uses routine medical scans, can allow for more accurate tumour biopsies.

Heating tumours whilst they undergo chemotherapy can kill up to 98% of brain cancer cells

According to a new study, heating cancer cells whilst they undergo chemotherapy is a highly effective method of killing them.

Shining a light on Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

SIOP Europe speaks about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, urging Europe to recognise that paediatric cancer remains an urgent health issue.

New research outlines how Rituximab interacts with the blood of healthy individuals and those with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

A study shows the differences in how Rituximab interacts with the blood of healthy people compared to chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients.

New peptide capable of changing the physical structure of cancer cells

The Max Planck Institute outline how their lab has designed a new peptide capable of changing the physical structure of cancer cells.

Understanding the aggressive spread of prostate cancer cells

A five-year study into the mechanisms by which cancer cells become mobile and start spreading has implications for the way in which aggressive prostate...

My T-cell: a new smartphone application that protects patients and guides healthcare professionals

Professor Marion Subklewe outlines ‘My T cell’: a smartphone application for the management of CAR T-cell and BiTE related toxicities

The National Cancer Institute on the use of biomaterials in cancer treatment

Matthew Wolf of the National Cancer Institute spoke to Innovation News Network’s Caitlin Magee, about the use of biomaterials in cancer treatment.

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