CancerNews - Page 5

Characterising glioblastoma brain cancer cells for efficient treatment

Scientists from Uppsala University have characterised how changes in glioblastoma brain cancer cells influence the effect of different drugs. Glioblastoma is a severe form of...

Prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment, and research

Becky Campbell and Jason Musni from the Prostate Cancer Foundation discuss prostate cancer – from the basics to cutting-edge research. Cancer is a condition in...

Caring for children with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic

The President of SIOP Europe, Professor Pamela Kearns, discusses a new Special Report on caring for children and adolescents with cancer during the COVID-19...

EORTC driving clinical research in prostate cancer

Bertrand Tombal from Service d’Urologie, Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc and EORTC’s Davi Kaur, Beatrice Fournier, and Laurence Collette, discuss current clinical research into prostate...

Fostering the application of vibrational spectroscopy

The Coblentz Society aims to promote and foster the understanding and application of vibrational spectroscopy. Vibrational spectroscopy is the study of the motion of specific...

The social and educational impact on childhood brain tumour survivors

Adequate follow-up procedures are essential in helping childhood brain tumour survivors adjust to society's social and educational requirements. Brain tumours are the second most common...

Targeting the genes responsible for the development of brain tumours

A research team from Uppsala University have successfully developed a new method of identifying cell mutations and their effect on the genes responsible for...

Developing cancer diagnosis technology with interdisciplinary collaboration

In an interview with Innovation News Network, nuclear physicist Laura Harkness-Brennan discusses her work leading the STFC Cancer Diagnosis Network+ and the importance of...

Why we need marketing restrictions on unhealthy food for children

Kate Oldridge-Turner, Head of Policy & Public Affairs at World Cancer Research Fund, outlines why we need marketing restrictions on unhealthy food for children. There...

Inhaled chemotherapy: changing the face of lung cancer treatment

InhaTarget Therapeutics speaks to The Innovation Platform about their promising preclinical efficacy data on CIS-DPI product combined with ICIs. In December 2018, we presented our...

Developing an AI enabled breast cancer detection method

A new study, published in Lancet Digital Health, shows the added value of AI-aided breast cancer detection from mammography images. The study, conducted by Korean...

Separating vaccine fact from vaccine fiction

Often misunderstood, the vaccine industry has received a great deal of bad press but are the claims made on social media a product of...

Cancer research models in immunotherapy

Dr Carlos Rogerio de Figueiredo and Professor Maija Hollmén at the University of Turku are exploiting uveal melanoma as a model system, to understand...

Ensuring targeted cancer drugs reach the right patients

Cancer specialist Professor Fabrice André tells Innovation News Network why a new ESMO scale for DNA mutations in cancer cells should be included in...

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